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CCS/TMS320C5504: 5509 is not supported... Ti does not help us

Part Number: TMS320C5504

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Can one use ccs4-ccs7 (eclipse) for software development for TI 320C55xx at all? I think no!

The debugging tools are not developed - really. There is no way to monitor anything - except a simple breakpoint.

No timing analysis, no stackdebugging, no peripery register view, no callstack, no stack usage no trace view -

all what you want - not for this device...!!! .

Has anyone made a more complex program than Hello World to run? I mean, with optimized code, optimized timing

and optimized memory, minimal Stack and maybe even with the faulty 2nd generation USB_Engine ? Respect! But please

do not for customers! This is just glass ball development!  CCS3.3 don't running on windows 10, Eclipse CCS is only a lot

of waste without any support, and realy without any help on problems from TI - even in the case of detected errors in their

own libraries !!   what to do?

Don't use any DSP from TI? It looks like this.


  • Lars,

    The call stack is displayed in the top left of the screen in the Debug View

    Unfortunately peripheral register definitions are not provided for C5509.  For newer C55 devices like CC5514, CC5515, C5517, C5532, C5533, C5534, C5535, C5545.. the definitions are present and thus the peripheral registers are visible in CCS.  I see your thread is tagged for C5504, the peripheral register files are there for C5504 and C5505 as well.

    The Memory Allocation view is available for C55x, but unfortunately the Stack Usage view is not.

    As far as breakpoints you will have access to software breakpoints, hardware breakpoints and data watchpoints.  There is also a counter that can be used for counting instructions, interrupts...  The profile clock is available on the Run menu.



  • Lars,

    Apologies for your frustrations.

    Would you consider migrating your development to a newer C55x device such as the C5517?

    The C5509 is an older device and we recommend new development on a C5517, etc if possible. There is ongoing maintenance on the C55x CSL with latest version being v3.08

    This also works with CCS v7.2 and has register views for the peripherals. You can certainly do more than a simple hello world with this platform.

    What type of an application are you developing?


  • Hi John,

    thanks for your description.

    On CCS3.3 we had all of this, but ccs3.3_setup  don't run under Win10.

    Now, there is no even a selection for  5509 - so I had to take 5504 !!

    And without Register_view and stackuseage my project isn't debuggable, but the most

    important is timing analysis and  I have not yet found a way to parse the 5509_timing

    (no RTOS / DSP/BIOS) with eclipse. It is almost irrelevant that 7.3 can not be installed.

    (only a lot of error codes) 

    TI throws us a new system before the feet that does not even have the necessary functions,

    supports the CCS3 no more and now we will see how we manage with that. 10 years of software

    development for a 5509A project for the litter bin? This is not funny.

  • Sounds more like Windows fault, not TI's.
  • While we don't officially support CCSv3.3 on Windows 10 I do know that users have been able to install it.  There are a few threads where people describe their procedure.

    Summing up what I found :

    Install the package:

    Next install CCS

    You are going to get some errors during install but it should complete

    Run cc_setup as administrator to configure your target configuration

    Then run cc_app as administrator

    Running as administrator is going to be necessary as CCSv3.x touches the Windows registry at runtime.  

    As far as C5509 it is available as a target in CCSv7.x.  It is present in both the project wizard and target configuration editor:





  • Lali,

    We had wait a long time for a 5509A compatible device. From 2010 to 2014 TI has promised us a device with MCBSP and DMA - after the 5534 without something -

    I have a data sheet of a 5537 !!!  from July 2011! Only it didn't come. (only for special customers) Sometime after years the 5517 comes,

    but there are now also significant restrictions at the 5517 as the number of USB_end points.

    Our project has 38170 lines of source code (without the included TI_Code !) - from that: 24701 lines of C_Code and 3507 lines of highly optimized ASM_Code. (signalprocessing)

    It defines 4 USB devices with 11 endpoint objects, uses 2 McBSP, one SPI, one I2C and all DMA_channels.

    The development took 10 years, the porting should last at least more then 2 years - just because TI does not want to invest a little bit time in its new development system for the 5509A device and does not even eliminate exactly described bugs in the libraries?

    The 55x 3.08 lib isn't for all core2 devices...

    This creates a high frustration!
