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CCS v3.3 and CCS v6 code working together

Hi.  I am currently using CCS v3.3 for the 2812 but moving to Windows 7.  Looking at the forum, it seems as if there is a problem with CCS v3.3 and windows 7 so I am thinking about moving to a later CCS, like v6.  The problem is that there is common code already compiled with CCS v3.3 which cannot be changed. 

So the question is, can I link code from CCS V3.3 to a later CCS like V6? 

  • S Z said:
    can I link code from CCS V3.3 to a later CCS like V6?

    You are likely to be successful.  The CCS version doesn't matter that much, but the compiler version (which is numbered independently) does.  To get a better sense of it, please see this wiki article.

    S Z said:
    there is common code already compiled with CCS v3.3 which cannot be changed

    What exactly cannot change?  Is this source code that can be re-compiled?  Or is this object code that cannot be re-compiled?  Linking against old object code, while still likely to work, is nonetheless more likely to cause problems than re-compiling old source with a new compiler.

    Thanks and regards,


  • Thanks for the information on the compiler, when I looked at Help->About->Component Manager->Build Tools->TMS320C28xx it showed v4.1.3

    On the not changable common code it is an "elf" file ( so yes it is object code).  I cannot recompile. 

    With this information, should I try to get CCS V3.3 to run on my windows 7 machine?


  • S Z said:
    On the not changable common code it is an "elf" file

    What makes you say that?  The C2000 compiler can only create COFF object files, not ELF.

    S Z said:
    should I try to get CCS V3.3 to run on my windows 7 machine?

    That is not officially supported, though we have heard reports of users making it work.

    Thanks and regards,


  • Sorry you are right, not elf, but a .out file.