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Is ILC exits in C6748

I use the followling option configuration to compile my for loop statement.

Cl6x -o2 -mf5 -k -mv=6748 --compile_only Continue.cpp

When I analyse the asm file generated by the DSP compiler, I found ILC is used as followlings:


   [!A0]   BNOP    .S1     $C$L4,4           ; |9|

|| [ A0]   MVC     .S2     B4,ILC

   [ A0]   MV      .L2X    A0,B7            ; BRANCHCC OCCURS {$C$L4}         ; |9| ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------------* ;*   SOFTWARE PIPELINE INFORMATION ;*

I can not find any description of ILC for C6748 in spru733, but find it in spru732. So I doubt whether is some wrong with my complie command.  I just want to kown if ILC is exits in C6748.
