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Inline asm with MSP430-GCC

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430G2553

As a workaround for I wrote this inline assembly:

inline bool BOOL(unsigned int v) {
  bool b;
  asm("clr %0\n"
      "cmp #0, %1\n"
      "jz $+2\n"
      "mov #1, %0" : "=r" (b) : "r" (v));
  return b;

int main() {
  volatile unsigned int v = 100;
  volatile bool i = BOOL(v);

/opt/msp430/bin/msp430-elf-gcc -mmcu=msp430g2553 -O3 -o main.elf

However, this doesn't work as expected:

0000c150 <main>:
    c150:       04 12           push    r4              ;
    c152:       04 41           mov     r1,     r4      ;
    c154:       21 82           sub     #4,     r1      ;r2 As==10
    c156:       b4 40 64 00     mov     #100,   -2(r4)  ;#0x0064, 0xfffe
    c15a:       fe ff 
    c15c:       1c 44 fe ff     mov     -2(r4), r12     ;
    c160:       0c 43           clr     r12             ;
    c162:       0c 93           cmp     #0,     r12     ;r3 As==00
    c164:       00 24           jz      $+2             ;abs 0xc166
    c166:       1c 43           mov     #1,     r12     ;r3 As==01
    c168:       c4 4c fd ff     mov.b   r12,    -3(r4)  ; 0xfffd
    c16c:       0c 43           clr     r12             ;
    c16e:       21 52           add     #4,     r1      ;r2 As==10
    c170:       34 41           pop     r4              ;
    c172:       30 41           ret                     

gcc reuses the same register (r12) as both the input and the output of my BOOL function. Is this a bug in gcc or am I doing something wrong?