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Compiler: Rebuild all RTS libraries vi CMD and mklib fails

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TI-CGT

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler

Dear Experts,

could You please let me know, if You have any hints to resolve the following build issue:

compiler: C:\ti\ccsv6\tools\compiler\ti-cgt-arm_16.9.1.LTS

When trying to build all run-time support libraries via CMD using "mklib --all" I am getting below error message:


C:\Users\a0406467>cd C:\ti\ccsv6\tools\compiler\ti-cgt-arm_16.9.1.LTS\lib

C:\ti\ccsv6\tools\compiler\ti-cgt-arm_16.9.1.LTS\lib>mklib --all
armcl catrigf.c -O4 --diag_warning=225 --quiet  -mv7A8 --fp_mode=strict --no_vis
ible_enums --abi=eabi -c --ti_lib --keep_unneeded_types=false   --c99 -Ic:/ti/cc
sv6/tools/compiler/ti-cgt~2.lts/lib/src -fr c:/users/a0406467/appdata/local/temp
/ti9e0c~1/obj -fs c:/users/a0406467/appdata/local/temp/ti9e0c~1/obj -ft c:/users
/a0406467/appdata/local/temp/ti9e0c~1/obj -ppa -ppd --pp_directory=c:/users/a040
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, armcl catrigf.c -O4 --diag_warning=225 --quie
t -mv7A8 --fp_mode=strict --no_visible_enums --abi=eabi -c --ti_lib --keep_unnee
ded_types=false --c99 -Ic:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/ti-cgt~2.lts/lib/src -fr c:/u
sers/a0406467/appdata/local/temp/ti9e0c~1/obj -fs c:/users/a0406467/appdata/loca
l/temp/ti9e0c~1/obj -ft c:/users/a0406467/appdata/local/temp/ti9e0c~1/obj -ppa -
ppd --pp_directory=c:/users/a0406467/appdata/local/temp/ti9e0c~1/obj, ...) faile
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
Makefile:1789: recipe for target 'c:/users/a0406467/appdata/local/temp/ti9e0c~1/
obj/catrigf.obj' failed
gmake.exe: *** [c:/users/a0406467/appdata/local/temp/ti9e0c~1/obj/catrigf.obj] E
rror 2
>> ERROR: mklib: gmake error during rtsv7A8_A_be_eabi.lib build



Thanks and best regards,


  • The wiki article about mklib has a section on troubleshooting.  Please see if one of those tips is helpful.

    Thanks and regards,


  • Hi George,

    I have seen this wiki page before and I have checked the hints about quotation marks in the PATH or dependencies on gmake, cygwin, MKS.

    But unfortunately whatever I do wrt PATH I am still seeing the same error message. I have also tried to run "mklib --all" on a different computer from my colleague resulting in exactly the same error message.

    Can You reproduce the issue on Your side or is it working for You?

    Many thanks and best regards,


  • ROGERG said:
    Can You reproduce the issue on Your side or is it working for You?

    Unfortunately, it works for me.

    Thanks and regards,


  • If you run "armcl" with no arguments, what do you see?
  • Hi Archaeologist,

    not sure I understand, did You want me to run "armcl" within the "ti-cgt-arm_16.9.1.LTS/bin" location?

    If so, then this would be the output without any arguments:


    TI ARM C/C++ Compiler                   v16.9.1.LTS
    Tools Copyright (c) 1996-2015 Texas Instruments Incorporated

    Usage: armcl [-options] filename

    Use 'armcl -h <option>' for more information on a particular option.  Use
    'armcl -h <text>' to search options for information regarding <text>.

    Option arguments surrounded by [] declare they are optional.  Option arguments
    separated by commas specify that the option's argument must be chosen from
    those arguments listed.

    When shown, option arguments and defaults apply to the usage of both long and
    short option forms.

    Processor Options:
                                   Target processor version (when not specified,
                                    compiler defaults to --silicon_version=4)
      --code_state=16,32           Designate code state, 16-bit (thumb) or 32-bit
                                   Specify floating point support
      -me,--little_endian          Little endian code

    Optimization Options:
                                   Optimization level (argument optional, defaults
                                    to: 3)
      --opt_for_speed,-mf[=0-5]    Speed vs. size trade-offs  (argument optional,
                                    defaults to: 4)
      --fp_mode=relaxed,strict     Floating Point mode (when not specified,
                                    compiler defaults to --fp_mode=strict)

    Include Options:
      --include_path,-I=dir        Add dir to #include search path
      --preinclude=filename        Specify a preinclude file

    ULP Advisor Options:
      --advice:power[=RULE]        Enable checking of ULP power rules (argument
                                    optional, defaults to: all)
                                   Set error category for ULP power rules

    Predefined Symbols Options:
      --define,-D=NAME[=value]     Pre-define NAME
      --undefine,-U=NAME           Undefine NAME

    Control Options:
      --compile_only,-c            Disable linking (overrides -z)
      --help,-h                    Show help screen
      --run_linker,-z[=arguments]  Perform link using options following
      --skip_assembler,-n          Compile only; do not assemble

    Advanced Debug Options:
      -g,--symdebug:dwarf          Full symbolic debug
      --symdebug:none              Suppress all symbolic debug generation
                                   Specify DWARF version

    Language Options:
      --c89                        Compile program in ANSI C89 mode.
      --c99                        Compile program in C99 mode.
      --c++03                      Compile program in C++03 mode.
      --relaxed_ansi,-pr           Relaxed parsing (non-strict ANSI)
      --strict_ansi,-ps            Strict ANSI mode (errors)
      --exceptions                 Enable C++ exception handling
      --rtti,-rtti                 Support C++ run-time type information
      --cpp_default,-fg            Treat C files as C++ files
      --extern_c_can_throw         Allow extern C functions to propagate exceptions
                                   Floating point precision accepted by compiler
                                    (when not specified, compiler defaults to
      --plain_char=signed,unsigned Specify how to treat plain chars
                                    (signed/unsigned) (when not specified, compiler
                                    defaults to --plain_char=unsigned)
      --pending_instantiations=#   Limit pending template instantiations
                                   Level of printf/scanf support required (when not
                                    specified, compiler defaults to

    Parser Preprocessing Options:
                                   Generate include file dependency information
                                   Generate first-level include file list
                                   Generate list of pre- & user-defined macros
      --preproc_only,-ppo          Preprocess only
      --preproc_with_comment,-ppc  Preprocess only; maintain comments
      --preproc_with_compile,-ppa  Continue compilation after using -pp<X> options.
      --preproc_with_line,-ppl     Preprocess only; maintain line directives

    Diagnostic Options:
      --compiler_revision          Print compiler revision and exit
      --diag_error,-pdse=id        Treat diagnostic <id> as error
      --diag_remark,-pdsr=id       Treat diagnostic <id> as remark
      --diag_suppress,-pds=id      Suppress diagnostic <id>
      --diag_warning,-pdsw=id      Treat diagnostic <id> as warning
      --diag_wrap[=on,off]         Wrap diagnostic messages (argument optional,
                                    defaults to: on)
      --display_error_number,-pden Emit diagnostic identifier numbers
                                   Treat warnings as errors
      --issue_remarks,-pdr         Issue remarks
      --no_warnings,-pdw           Suppress warnings
      --quiet,-q                   Quiet Mode
                                   Set error limit to <count>
      --super_quiet,-qq            Super Quiet Mode
      --tool_version,-version      Print version numbers for each tool
      --verbose                    Display banner and function progress information
      --verbose_diagnostics,-pdv   Verbose diagnostics
                                   Output diagnostic to .err file

    Runtime Model Options:
                                   Place each function in a separate subsection
                                    (argument optional, defaults to: on)
                                   Use linker-generated file to remove dead
                                   Place structs and arrays in separate subsections
      --embedded_constants=on,off  Specify whether constants can be embedded in
                                    code sections (when not specified, compiler
                                    defaults to --embedded_constants=on)
      --unaligned_access=on,off    Generate unaligned loads and stores (when not
                                    specified, compiler defaults to
      --neon                       Generates SIMD instructions targeting Neon
                                   Designate enum type (when not specified,
                                    compiler defaults to --enum_type=packed)
      --wchar_t=16,32              Set the size (in bits) of the C/C++ type wchar_t
                                    (16,32) (when not specified, compiler defaults
                                    to --wchar_t=16)
      --common=on,off              Use ELF common symbols
                                   Reserve as global register
      --ramfunc[=on,off]           Run functions from RAM. (argument optional,
                                    defaults to: on)
      --stack_overflow_check,-mo   Enable dynamic stack overflow checking

    Advanced Optimizations Options:
      --fp_reassoc=on,off          Allow reassociation of FP arithmetic (when not
                                    specified, compiler defaults to
      --sat_reassoc=on,off         Allow reassociation of sat arithmetic (when not
                                    specified, compiler defaults to
      --program_level_compile,-pm  Program mode compilation
      --call_assumptions,-op=0-3   Specify call assumptions when optimizing
      --auto_inline,-oi[=size]     Specify threshold for automatic inlining
      --disable_inlining           Disable inlining
      --multithread                Multi-threading is assumed
      --aliased_variables,-ma      Assume called funcs create hidden aliases (rare)

    Entry/Exit Hook Options:
                                   Insert this call at entry to each function
                                    (argument optional, defaults to: __entry_hook)
                                   Insert this call at exit from each function
                                    (argument optional, defaults to: __exit_hook)
                                   Pass caller's name or address to entry hook
                                   Pass caller's name or address to exit hook
      --remove_hooks_when_inlining Remove entry/exit hooks from inlined functions

    Feedback and Analysis Options:
      --gen_profile_info           Generate profile feedback data
      --analyze=codecov,callgraph  Generate analysis info from profile data
      --analyze_only               Only generate analysis
                                   Use profile feedback file(s)

    Assembler Options:
      -k,--keep_asm                Keep the generated assembly language (.asm) file
      --asm_listing,-al            Generate listing file
      --c_src_interlist,-ss        Generate C source interlisted assembly file
      --src_interlist,-s           Generate interlisted assembly file
                                   Pre-define assembly symbol NAME
      --asm_undefine,-au=NAME      Undefine assembly symbol NAME
      --absolute_listing,-aa       Generate absolute listing file
                                   Generate cross reference assembly listing file
                                   Generate assembly dependency information
      --asm_includes,-api          Generate first-level assembly include file list

    File Type Specifier Options:
      --asm_file,-fa=filename      File is an assembly file (default for .asm)
      --c_file,-fc=filename        File is a C file (default for .c/no ext)
      --cpp_file,-fp=filename      File is a C++ file (default for .C .cpp .cc)
      --obj_file,-fo=filename      File is an object file (default for .obj)

    Directory Specifier Options:
      --abs_directory,-fb=dir      Absolute listing directory (default is .obj dir)
      --asm_directory,-fs=dir      Assembly file directory (default is .)
      --list_directory,-ff=dir     Listing/xref file directory (default is .obj
      --obj_directory,-fr=dir      Object file directory (default is .)
      --output_file,-fe=filename   Compilation output file name, can override
      --pp_directory=dir           Preprocessor file directory (default is .)
      --temp_directory,-ft=dir     Temporary file directory (default is .)

    Default File Extensions Options:
      --asm_extension,-ea=.ext     Extension for assembly files (default is .asm)
      --c_extension,-ec=.ext       Extension for C files (default is .c)
      --cpp_extension,-ep=.ext     Extension for C++ files (default is .cpp)
      --listing_extension,-es=.ext Extension for listing files (default is .lst)
      --obj_extension,-eo=.ext     Extension for object files (default is .obj)

    Command Files Options:
      --cmd_file,-@=filename       Read options from specified file

    MISRA-C:2004 Options:
      --check_misra[=RULE]         Enable checking of MISRA-C:2004 rules (argument
                                    optional, defaults to: all)
                                   Set severity of MISRA 'advisory' rule class
                                   Set severity of MISRA 'required' rule class

    Supplemental Information Options:
                                   Output cross reference listing to .crl file
      --gen_func_info_listing      Generate a function information listing file
      --gen_opt_info,-on=0-2       Generate optimizer information file at level
      --gen_preprocessor_listing   Output preprocessor listing to .rl file
      --section_sizes[=on,off]     Output section size summary information.
                                    (argument optional, defaults to: on)

    The following Linker options can be specified following the -z
    option.  Linking is only enabled if -z is used and -c is not:

    Basic Options:
      -m,--map_file=file           Link information (map) listed into <file>
      -o,--output_file=file        Specify output file name
                                   Heap size for C/C++ dynamic memory allocation
                                   Set C system stack size
      --cinit_hold_wdt[=on,off]    Hold watchdog timer during cinit
                                    auto-initialization (argument optional,
                                    defaults to: on)

    File Search Path Options:
      -l,--library=file            Include library file or command file as input
      -i,--search_path=dir         Add <dir> to library search path
      --priority,-priority         Search libraries in priority order
      --reread_libs,-x             Reread libraries; resolve backward references
      --disable_auto_rts           Disable automatic RTS selection

    Command File Preprocessing Options:
      --define=name=value          Pre-define preprocessor macro _name_ to _value_
      --undefine=name              Undefine preprocessor macro _name_
      --disable_pp                 Don't use C preprocessor for command files

    Diagnostics Options:
      --diag_error=id              Treat diagnostic <id> as error
      --diag_remark=id             Treat diagnostic <id> as remark
      --diag_suppress=id           Suppress diagnostic <id>
      --diag_warning=id            Treat diagnostic <id> as warning
      --diag_wrap[=on,off]         Wrap diagnostic messages (argument optional,
                                    defaults to: on)
      --display_error_number       Emit diagnostic identifier numbers
                                   Treat warnings as errors
      --issue_remarks              Issue remarks
      --no_demangle                Don't demangle symbol names in diagnostics
      --no_warnings                Suppress warnings
      --set_error_limit=count      Set error limit to <count>
      --verbose_diagnostics        Verbose diagnostics
      --warn_sections,-w           Warn if an unspecified output section is created

    Linker Output Options:
      --absolute_exe,-a            Produce absolute executable object file
                                   Introduce bit errors
                                   Introduce bit errors in ECC memory
                                   List removed dead functions into file
      --mapfile_contents=attribute Display attribute settings in map file
      --relocatable,-r             Produce a relocatable output module
      --run_abs,-abs               Produce absolute listing file
                                   Detailed link information data-base into <file>

    Symbol Management Options:
      --entry_point,-e=symbol      Specify program entry point for the output
      --globalize=pattern          Do not localize symbols matching pattern
      --hide=pattern               Hide symbols matching pattern
      --localize=pattern           Make the symbols matching pattern local
      --make_global,-g=symbol      Don't make global symbol static if -h is
      --make_static,-h             Make all global symbols static
      --no_sym_merge,-b            No type merging in symbolic debugging
      --no_symtable,-s             Strip symbol table and line number entries
      --retain=sym_or_scn_spec     Specify symbols/sections to be retained by
      --scan_libraries,-scanlibs   Scan libraries for duplicate symbol definitions
      --symbol_map=refname=defname Specify a symbol map, mapping refname to defname
      --undef_sym,-u=sym           Add <sym> to symbol table as an unresolved
      --unhide=pattern             Exclude symbols matching pattern from hiding

    Runtime Environment Options:
      --arg_size,--args=size       Set C argc/argv memory size
      --be32                       Link big-endian code in be-32 format
      --be8                        Link big-endian code in be-8 format
                                   Compress ELF C style auto initialization data
                                    (argument optional, defaults to: lzss)
                                   Compress ELF sections copied using copy tables
                                    (argument optional, defaults to: lzss)
      --fill_value,-f=value        Default fill value for holes in output sections
      --ram_model,-cr              Link using RAM autoinitialization model
      --rom_model,-c               Link using ROM autoinitialization model
      --trampolines[=on,off]       Generate far call trampolines (argument
                                    optional, defaults to: on)

    Miscellaneous Options:
      --compress_dwarf[=on,off]    Aggressively reduce size of the DWARF
                                    information (argument optional, defaults to:
      --disable_clink,-j           Disable conditional linking and ignore .clink
      --linker_help,-help,--help   Display usage information
                                   Select trampoline minimization algorithm
                                    (argument optional, defaults to: postorder)
      --preferred_order=function   Add <function> to preferred placement order list
                                   Strict compatibility checking (argument
                                    optional, defaults to: on)
                                   Minimum space between non-adjacent trampolines
                                   Eliminate sections not needed in the executable
                                    (argument optional, defaults to: on)
      --zero_init[=on,off]         Zero initialize ELF uninitialized sections
                                    (argument optional, defaults to: on)



    Thanks and best regards,


  • ROGERG said:
    not sure I understand, did You want me to run "armcl" within the "ti-cgt-arm_16.9.1.LTS/bin" location?

    No, I mean for you to run armcl from the same directory from which you run mklib --all; that is, the ti-cgt-arm_16.9.1.LTS/lib directory.  I'm trying to determine if you have armcl in the search PATH when you're running mklib

  • Ok, understand. It does not seem to be the case. I am getting the following message:

    'armcl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.

    Do You want me to add "C:\ti\ccsv6\tools\compiler\ti-cgt-arm_16.9.1.LTS\bin" to the PATH environmental variable?
  • Archaeologist,
    thank You very much for Your hint! Adding above PATH resolved the issue. Libraries are building now.

    Thanks and best regards,