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Compiler: Undesired compilation by setting the TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS flag to "NO"

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler

Hello Everyone,

Iam working on VisionSDK (ver 2.11) and tda3x. I have set  TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERROR=no . Now when I compile my new plugin I am  not getting error for undefined function .Undefined function error is now treated as warning and code is compiled successfully. Now ,when i set TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERROR=yes , I get the error. 

eg.the function call and function declaration is done inside code, but there is no function definition.Setting  TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERROR=no .suppresses the undefined function error. What can be the reason of this undesired compilation of code.



  • When I hear "undefined function error" ... I think of the error issued by the linker (not the compiler) that occurs when the code calls a function that is not defined anywhere.  Such an error cannot be avoided with any build option.  

    You obviously mean something else, though I'm not sure what.

    It would be helpful if you could submit a small example.  Please submit a source file (perhaps by preprocessing one of your own) by attaching it to your next post.  Show exactly how the compiler is invoked, especially all the build options.  For both the case where you get the diagnostic, and where you don't.  Indicate what version of the compiler you use.

    Thanks and regards,
