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UCC25600 LLC Converter TINA Spice

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI, UCC25600


I am trying to simulate my calculated values which i got using datasheet/supportive documents of IC. I did get  proper output /input voltage, current and gate signals' wave forms during simulation.  But To next step, I want to use TIna spice model to plot gain vs frequency chart.Can some one help me how to do it using spice model.

1) Want to add selected mosfet part parameters like coss, ciss etc.

2) Want to add leakage inductance and parasitic capacitance values.  

Need some info/help related to it.



  • Ricky,

    You cannot use the TINA-TI transient model for frequency response (Bode Plot simulations). You would need an average model which is not available.

    For your additional concerns:

    1.) You can modify the parameters of the MOSFETs in the reference design (POWERMOS model) by double left clicking on the component. You will see some parameters in the SubCkt-Parameters line.

    Click on the parameters and then on the ellipsis to edit the values shown:

    Alternatively, you can replace the MOSFETs with an actual model of the MOSFET you want to use.

    2.) You should be able to add parasitics to any of the nodes. If you are specifically trying to add leakage inductance to the transformers, I do not know if you can add them since we were using the K factor and inductance values. Once again, you can change out the transformer model if you have a complete model for your desired transformer.

    There are some references on more exhaustive transformer models found with a Google search, but that is not my specialty.

  • Thanks Britt for your response. Let me clarify bit more what exactly I am looking for. 

    I have referred TI App note " Designing an LLC Resonant Half-Bridge Power Converter" (SLUP 263). Below are some reference of pages.

    I did get all the waveforms as mentioned before using TINA. Now in order to optimize the design I am trying to get  gain Mg  Vs. Fsw curve. (show in below pic, page 10 of referrence)

    In LLC converter, peak of curve is lower using FHA method compare to bench test. (Page  19 of Ti note Pic in left below).


    I am trying to add actual parameters in my TINA files for Mosfet and transformer (page 17, pic on right above) and get actual peak which can be closer to bench test in order to optimize the design. 

    I did add mosfet parameters as suggested and probably can add parasitic capacitance of transformer. But I was trying to get above curve using spice model. ( if possible using frequency swipe). Is it something I can get using TINA and available spice model for UCC25600 ?

    Thanks !!


  • Ricky,

    The transient model is a time domain based model and is not useable for a frequency simulation. I do not know what the model would produce using a frequency sweep. Most of the time, the only frequency domain models are average models that can be used for a Bode Plot. These are very specific models that do not use a switching waveform, but represent the "average" waveform using the duty cycle of the design. We do not have a model for the UCC25600 that can perform this kind of simulation.

    My guess would be that the datasheet plots are some kind of calculation or measurement. I do not believe that they came from any kind of simulation. I'll check to see if there is any further information on how the plots were obtained.

  • Britt,

    Thanks for your reply. Please let me know if you come across any new information.
