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TPS54821 Eagle CAD

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS54821, TINA-TI


I want to design DC/DC converter using TPS54821 IC and looking for Eagle CAD layout, I could not find elsewhere, could anyone help? Also please provide any design suggestions components selection etc.

  • surjitsinh,

    The CAD symbols should be located in the product folder under the Quality and Packaging tab.

    As for suggestions for components, please use WEBENCH® from the product folder. Enter in your vin and vout specifications and your needed iout and WEBENCH® Power Designer will design the entire circuit for you. This is by far the best way to design your circuit. You can then explore the circuit performance and verify the design meets your needs.

  • Are you looking for the EVM design files?  They are in Mentor Graphics PADS format.  The device symbol in BXL format is located here:

    The tools and software folder has pspice and TINA-TI models as well as an excel design calculator.  On the same page is a gateway to the Webench design center.  You can input your design parameters and let Webench generate your design.

    Let me know if you want the PADS data.