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TINA/Spice/DRV8703-Q1: Substitution of part with DRV8701 for simulation purposes

Part Number: DRV8703-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI, DRV8701,

Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models


My team is simulating a design requiring the DRV8703-Q1 component, which as I understand does not have a SPICE model available for it.  I believe there is a model for the DRV8701 though.  What I would like to know is whether this can be used to substitute for the DRV8703.  My concern is not for any of the digital signals, but for the inputs and the outputs when the system is being powered by voltage input 12-24V.  Can someone help me understand what differences I might expect in simulation behavior that may affect my results and if this would be an acceptable substitute? If it is not, is there an alternative recommendation that will allow me to effectively simulate the circuit?

