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WEBENCH Interface Bug

Hi all,

Just wanted to point out a bug that noticed a while ago in WEBENCH that could be confusing to new users. If you open WEBENCH and click "New" at the top, it comes up with a row of tabs (Power, LED, LED Architects, etc.). If you click on "LED" first, it goes to a page where you can select different LEDs for your design, which is the expected behavior. However, if you click on "LED Architect" or "Filters," and then afterward click back on the "LED" tab, it shows the same thing as if you had clicked on the "Power" tab. This only happens with those two tabs, not any of the others. I think it would be good if someone on the WEBENCH team looked into this.







  • Hi,

    Thank you for using WEBENCH®. I was able to replicate the issue you see. We will take a look at it.



    WEBENCH® Applications Team

  • Hi, 

    I want to try the LDO TPS7A6933 Q1, because is for automotive aplication, your size and other characteristics, but when I use the webench does not appear. In the info boxes I put all the data similar to the datasheet and even so, only appears in Show Why Other Parts Were Not Found, with one message "Junction Temperature", and the other message "LDO Voltage drop does not meet requeriment". Can you tell me what is the problem whit the component? 
