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DMD Discovery 1100

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPC900, DLPC410

Dear Sirs,

There are some DMD types such as for visible light or NIR and an old DMD Discovery 1100 in our lab.

Could you please advise me that can we just replace the DMD from one type to the other and the controller will tell and running? Or do we need do some come commends for the controller?

Best regards,

  • Hi Yenwen,

    May I know exact part number of controller and DMD you are having.

  • Dear ykc,

    Because I don't know where the part number is, I took some pictures for two possible numbers on the controller and three types of DMD. Thank you.

    Best regards,


  • Hello Yen-Wen,

    We regret to inform you that the Discovery 1100 platform is very old and was made over 12 years ago.  We no longer sell this EVM and the DMD it supported are no longer made.  

    It will not support any of the currently available DMD's.  Our recommendation is to go with a newer EVM such as the DLPC410 controller EVMs, or the DLPC900 controller EVMs (DLPLCR6500EVM or DLPLCR9000EVM).  

    Please start on this page to find the solution you would like to use: - from here you can find EVM's based on the DMD that will meet your needs.


  • Dear Fizix,

    Thanks for your advice.  I also have some questions about the Discovery 1100: 

    1. The pattern on the DMD is not clear(the color is very light) and we can see it only on certain angle(about 45 degree).

    2. There is a "bar" on the center when we turn the power on. 

    3.The status LEDs D1 and D5 are off and D8 is blinking. 

    Cloud you please advise me that are these situations normal or how to fix them? Thank you.

    Best regards,


  • Hello Yen-Wen,

    The images look normal except the band. This would indicate a potential issue with the "Reset" lines. You should check and clean the interposer between the board and DMD.

    The mirrors that are "on" tip 10° toward the corner with the "1C" and the mirrors that are "off" tip 10° away from that corner.

    Take a flash light and hold so that the light is coming in from that corner at about 20° from the normal of the window, then observe the image looking straight down on the DMD (i.e. along the window normal). If the mirrors are working properly, it should look pretty crisp and clear.

  • Dear Fizix,

    Thanks for your advice. I followed your steps and the image was clear.

    For the"band" and "Rest"  issue, is the part(red circle) I needs to check or clear(the tips of contact)? 

    Could you advise me how to check and clean it? Thank you.

    Best regards,


  • Hello Yen-wen,

    The gold pads on the back of the DMD and the PCB card can be cleaned with a q-tip and isopropyl alcohol.  If they are tarnished we have used a pencil eraser  and then cleaned with q-tip and alcohol.  

    For the interposer, you should inspect with a stereo-scope or microscope and use tweezers to remove any debris.  Also make sure there are no "C" spring contacts missing in holes that interface to a gold pad on the DMD/PCB.  Also make sure that there are no "C" spring contacts that have become turned in one of the holes, as it will not make good contact.  

    Beyond this if the band does not go away then look at the "Reset" line outputs from the "DAD1000"  All of them should be showing the same waveform.  If they all do, but the image retains the band, then there is a contact issue or possibly (but unlikely) internal DMD circuitry damage. If one of the Reset lines does not have a waveform, then there is a problem with the DAD1000.


  • Dear Fizix,

    I could not see the "C" spring contacts. Bellow are the pictures of the interposer contact. Is it normal? Could you also advise me where and how to check the waveform of the "Reset" line output from DMD1100? Thank you.

    Best regards,


  • Hello YenWen,

    Your images show the the "C" spring in the correct orientation. Please inspect all of them to make sure there is no debris or none of them are turned in the hole. Some will be missing where there are no corresponding pads on the DMD, but should not be missing where there are pads (with the possible exception of the inner row above and below the thermal interface.

  • Dear Fizix,

    I checked the interpose and found two C spring contacts are missed. Both the two holes miss the C contacts on the same side of interpose and both have C contacts on the other side.

    Do you think it is the issue? If the answer is positive, how can we fix it or where can we find and buy the interpose? Thank you.

    Best Regards,


  • Yen Wen,

    I am at a conference this week, but I am confused by your images. You say that two of them are missing the "C-spring", but your closeup pictures all show a "C-spring" in the opening?

    I will have to look at this when I return to the office next week.

    I do not believe that this interposer is available anymore. Again, this kit is no longer made, sold, or supported.


  • Dear Fizix,

    I'm sorry. I think I misunderstood it(I thought it is a hole and the metal part is the sidewall inside the hole).

    Comparing with other contacts, It seems like that the two contacts turned into the hole. We have found and bought a used DMD with the interposer(S1076) from ebay and it will be delivered next week. I will let you know if the interposer is the issue or not. Thank you.

    Best regards,


  • Dear Fizix,

    We received the interposer this week and unfortunately it could not solve the issue. We decided to ignore it because we can use only half area for our experiment.

    We tried to use flashlight(white) as light source however the image projected on the screen was not clear even we can observer the pattern on DMD.

    Is it normal? Or could you please give us some suggestions? Thank you.


    Best regards,


  • Hello Yen-Wen,

    Your question was answered in your other post regarding this last question: