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DLPD4X00KIT: Question for SetPWRFLOAT function

Part Number: DLPD4X00KIT

I have two questions for SetPWRFLOAT function in USB DLL API.
Do anyone know this issue?

  • Question 1. Is it different from DMD Park Request?

I thought that executing SetPWRFLOAT function is equal to issuing "DMD Park Request",
but I realized the DMD does not stay in park state unless both of them are executed.
Like this. Is it correct procedure?

			// DMD Block Operations -- DMD Park Request
			SetBlkMd(3, deviceNumber); // BLK_MD=2'b00
			SetBlkAd(12, deviceNumber); // BLK_AD=4'b11xx

			SetPWRFLOAT(0, deviceNumber);

  • Question 2. Is its 1st argument's polarity correct?

In DLPU039a at 6.2.20 section, it describes "Active=1, inactive=0".
But, as far as I tried my own C++ code, the DMD shows park state behaviour when SetPWRFLOAT(0, ..).
What I say "park state behaviour" means the same behaviour as pushing DLPDiscovery4100 board's SW3.
And I'm checking the DMD by watching its surface directly with my eyes.