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DLP9500: About cooling system of DLP9500 and DLP7000

Part Number: DLP9500


Please tell us the recommended cooling system for DLP 9500 and DLP 7000.

Where is the information on the datasheet?

Especially I heard that using air cooling system is out of warranty.

Best Regards,


  • Hello Leonardo,

    This information is not in the data sheet because each system implementation is unique and can have very different requirements for fitment and illumination.  

    What is in the data sheet is information on where to make temperature measurement and calculations to determine the array temperature of the DMD during operation.

    There is nothing that precludes the use of air cooling if the heat solution can keep the operational array temperature within specifications. 

    In many cases where high fluence illumination is used, air cooling systems are unable to remove heat fast enough.  In such cases, in order to operate within the Recommended Operating Conditions array temperature specification a liquid cooled solution will likely be required.

    It is all about the array temperature.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Fizix

    Thank you so much for your confirmation.

    In the case of DLP9500, the operational array temperature within specifications is 20 to 45 ℃?

    Best regards,


  • Hello Leonardo,

    For this DMD the listed the operational case temperature for test points 2 & 3 from 20 °C to 70 °C and for the array and test point 1 temperature from 20 °C to 65 °C. The nominal is 25 °C to 45 °C for all test points and the array. This is in the Recommended Operating Conditions table (7.3) on page 14 of the data sheet.
