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DLPC900: Sequential display of multiple pre-stroed patterns in DLP6500 using MATLAB?

Part Number: DLPC900

Hi, I am Lihong.

I am working on displaying multiple pre-stored patterns in sequence using MATLAB.

My skeletal code is based on the following code which is open-sourced in GitHub:

Using this code, I followed the DLPC900 Programmer's Guide to display, for example, [0, 3, 6, 9]th saved patterns in 3 bits. 

I matched the pattern index and bit position as in TI DLP GUI batch builder.

But it does not work; DMD stops functioning until I turn it on again.

Is there anyone who can aid my troubleshooting? 




My MATLAB code

d = DMD_LH('debug', 1);
% d.reset()
% Step 1: Set pre-stored pattern mode

%% 1. Continuous normal illumination
% Step 2: Turn off the previous DMD illumination

% Step 3: Number of patterns to be illuminated
% d.numOfImages(1,0)

% Step 3: Define patterns
for ii=1:4
idx = 0; % pattern index
exposureTime = 100000; % exposure time in us
clearAfter = 1; % clear pattern after exposure
bitDepth = 3; % desired bit depth (1 corresponds to bitdepth of 1)
leds = 1; % select which color to use
triggerIn = 0; % wait for trigger or cuntinue
darkTime = 105; % dark time after exposure in us
triggerOut = 0; % use trigger2 as output; 0: on, 1: off

settings(1) = ii-1;
settings(2) = exposureTime;
settings(3) = clearAfter;
settings(4) = bitDepth;
settings(5) = leds;
settings(6) = triggerIn;
settings(7) = darkTime;
settings(8) = triggerOut;
[patternidx, bitPosition] = calcImageIdx((ii-1)*3, bitDepth);
settings(9) = patternidx;
settings(10) = bitPosition;

d.definePattern(settings) % I modified definePattern so that I can plug in my preferential variables of DMD display parameters.

% Step 5: Start illumination

  • Hello Lihong,

    Welcome to the DLP section of the TI-E2E forums.

    I am not familiar with this GitHub MATLAB project as it is provided by a third party.  However, I would expect to see a part of the code that initializes a connection to the EVM.  Is the code you show above your whole code or just what you have added to the project?  

    Have you tried contacting the author of the GitHub project?

    Let's also leave the question open for a time here on the forum to see if anyone else has experience with this project.


  • Dear Fizix,

    I have tried to contact the GitHub author, but there was no reply :(

    Here is a set of my DMD modulation code which I have ever tried to use.

    I wish that solving this problem may extend the applications of DMD use in TI community :)



  • Hello Lihong,

    Regrettably we do not have the resources to support this. You may want to post a question in the GitHub forum community on this.
