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DLPLCR6500EVM: DLP Lighcrafter 6500 GUI : Video mode -> Display dimensions

Part Number: DLPLCR6500EVM


My name is Nik and I have a Vialux Star-065 projector, it is a 1080p projector with the DLP6500 chipset. I want to make the projected picture smaller but I don't exactly understand how "Display Dimensions" in "video mode" tab work. If I understand correctly "Start Pixel" and "Start Line" are only for positioning the projected picture. The question I really have is what happens whit pixels when I change the values in red boxes (look at the picture below) to a smaller value (e.g. 1920 to 1280 and 1080 to 720). The picture gets smaller indeed but do the pixels get smaller and the resolution of smaller picture is still 1920x1080 or do the non used pixels just shutdown.

I am using projector for 3D SLA printing and pixel size is quite important.

Kind regards, Nik

  • Hello Nik,

    Welcome to the DLP section of the TI-E2E community.

    The optical projection system and therefore the individual pixel size does not change.  This simply turns of the micro mirrors outside of the "crop" area.

    So if you set the cropped area to 0, 1000; 0, 500, then the image will show the first 1000 pixels of each row and the first 500 rows (i.e. the image will be in the upper left corner of the 1920 x 1080 display - all other pixel will be turned "off".  Similarly if you set 920, 1000; 580, 500 the image will be the same size as above (1000 x 500) but in the lower right corner of the 1920 x 1080 display area.

    I hope this answers your question.


  • I am a little late to reply but nonetheless thank you for your reply, it answered all of my questions.

    Have a nice day, Nik

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