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Linux/DLPDLCR2000EVM: i2c not detecting EVM

  • Philbert,

    Are you having issues with your I2C interface? If so, have you tried verifying that the VINTF line is properly connected? Please check the DLPDLCR2000EVM User's Guide to find this pin and interface it with the appropriate I2C level.

    Best Regards,

    Philippe Dollo
  • Hi Philippe

    I'm new to the linux environment and i'm struggling with the connections and interfacing.

    As far as i can tell and assume from the net and this forum, i should do the following things for the raspberry pi to detect the EVM.
    1. connect the VINF to 3.3V or 5V to drive it
    2. Connect the I2C pins P2:19 - EXT_SCL, P2:20 - EXT_SDA to Rpi GPIO pins 28 - I2C0 SCL, 27 - I2C0 SDA
    3. Ground ground lines

    Hopefully then i should be able to detect the EVM? and proceed with the steps provided in the forum below:

    Please let me know if i'm correct.

    Kind Regards
  • For just I2C interfacing, you should also ensure HOST_PRESENTZ is hooked up properly. You should ensure that the VINTF level you are using is appropriate for what the RPi can drive, as well.

    Keep in mind that the ASIC on the EVM must complete boot and be in ready state before I2C interfacing will work.

    Best Regards,
    Philippe Dollo

  • Hi Philippe

    still no luck unfortunately

    According to the following post, the VINTF should be driven at 3.3V,

    what should the HOST_PRESENTZ be connected to?

    How do i boot/ check the status of ASIC on the EVM?

    Kind Regards
  • Philbert,

    HOST_PRESENTZ should be driven low when connected to a host processor. You should be able to check the status of the ASIC using the two LEDs D2 and D3 on the board. During boot D2 will turn on, and then turn off after completing the initialization process. D3 will also turn on but then stay on.

    I recommend you test your system by separating and testing the RPi and EVM individually. Start by testing the RPi's I2C functionality with a known-good device, and if possible test the EVM using an I2C dongle that you can control from the PC. This may help you isolate the root cause of your issue.

    I hope this helps.

    Best Regards,
    Philippe Dollo
  • Thanks Philippe

    Hopefully the following would help new users of EVM and raspberry pi.
    Connect VINTF to 3.3V, P2:19 to pin5, P2:20 to pin3 to read response from EVM on i2cdetect -y 1

    go to /boot/config.txt and configure overlaying i2c to use over DPI on pin 16 and 18 as from the thread

    # Add support for software i2c on gpio pins

    there should now be response from i2cdetect -r -y 3

    To test writing to EVM, the following can be inputted

    Test Pattern Mode >> i2cset -y 3 0x1b 0x0b 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 i
    Grey Ramp Select >> i2cset -y 3 0x1b 0x11 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0C i

    Next step for EVM and Rpi integration is to follow the thread below (this is step 1 in the thread):