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ISO1540: Generic bidirectional device

Part Number: ISO1540

I read that ISO1540 has 2 bidirectional channels. So SCL and SDA can be swapped freely? Is it a generic "i2c speed" bidirectional isolator  for multi purpose application?

  • Hi Massimo,

    Welcome to TI E2E Forum!

    Yes, ISO1540 is a bidirectional device and is primarily developed to support I2C device isolation. The SCL and SDA channels are identical, we believe swapping them doesn't impact any performance. The device is meant for I2C device isolation and meets most I2C electrical specification. If the general purpose application that you are referring to is a open collector network like an I2C network then yes ISO1540 can be used for isolation in that network as well.

    Let me know if you have any other questions, thank you.

    Koteshwar Rao

  • Perfect!
    thank you.