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SmartRF05EB V1.8.1 schematic

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2511, CC2530EM


i had SmartRF05 evaluation board version:1.8.1,

where can i find the schematic information on TI website? what's the document number?

Can i use CC debugger to program CC2530EM from the EB's connector directly, but not through EB's CC2511?




  • The schematics are attached. It should have been added to the SmartRF05EB User's Guide (, but until that document is updated - here you go! Note that rev 1.8.x and 1.7.x of SmartRF05EB are more or less identical. 1.8.x is an improved version of 1.7 (improved voltage regulators and layout).

    You don't really need the CC Debugger to program the CC2530EM if you have a SmartRF Evaluation Board. The board will operate as a programmer and debugger just like the CC Debugger. Just plug the EM in to the sockets on the EB board, connect the EB board to your PC and use e.g. SmartRF Flash Programmer to program the CC2530EM.

  • Mozart,

    Thanks for your kindly reply.