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sensor application: MAC_MAX_FRAME_SIZE

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: Z-STACK, CC2531

Hello all,

What can be the maximum number we can use for MAC_MAX_FRAME_SIZE, if I want  to send a 100-byte net data over the air( I want the length of my application data be 100 bytes).

Thanks in advance,


  • Leila:

    With the IEEE 802.15.4? the MPSDU can be 102 bytes unless you implement Fragementation. With our Z-Stack we have implementation Fragementation to handle larger frames.

    LPRF Rocks the World

  • Yes, with IEEE 802.15.4. I am using zigbee pro and modifying sensor demo app released by TI. Could you please let me know what is MPSDU? 


    Thank you,


  • With the Sensor Demo application you can only use 99 bytes for the payload now I believe. This application have not added the ZigBee Fragmentation to the OsalTaskIint() and the task table handler for the process event function. You can search for ZIGBEE_FRAGMENTATION compile flag for any other sample application such as the GenericApp and see how the APFS is added to the code.

    LPRF Rocks the World

  • Can you please let me know how you came up with 99 bytes? I changed my payload to be 99 however packet sniffer shows an error of  "parsed data too long, data length: 1510" when I try to send a packet. Could you please help me about this?



  • Leila:

    There are two questions here one for the packet sniffer. I guess we can look at few things you can do. 

    1. Upgrade to the latest TI Packet Sniffer 2.15.2
    2. Upgrade the FW revision on your CC2531 if you are using this for packet sniffing. 
    3. Sniffer configurations needs to be changed in order to decode long IEEE 802.15.4 packets. 

    1. Open C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\Packet Sniffer\General\Plugin\IEEE802_15_4\IEEE802_15_4_MAC_and_ZigBee.plt
    2. Increase Packet_length_parsed_data from 1500 to 1600.
    3. Restart Sniffer.

    With respect to the 99 bytes this is based on something related to indirect addressing, 0xFFFE when you call zb_SendDataRequest(). Try to send fragementation using a direct address, 0x0000.

    LPRF Rocks the World

  • you guys are awesome! it works, Thanks