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CC2540 Device's Address on SimpleBLEPeripheral_Init() phase

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2541, CC2540

Hi All,

I need to read device adress before GAP/GATT initialization (to form device name from it). I know that GAPRole_GetParameter(GAPROLE_BD_ADDR, ownAddress); gives access to this information, unfortunatelly for this GAP should be launched. I have to read this information on early init phase. I use "SimpleBLEPeripheral" project as reference. So, how to obtain device address in SimpleBLEPeripheral_Init().

More specific:

1. whan NV is for device address storage

2. how to obtain address in SimpleBLEPeripheral_Init()

Thanks a lot!

P.S. Why this theme is ignored like these too: 

Reading CC2540 IEEE primary address programmatically to create a unique chip address

Reading CC2540 IEEE address programmatically before GAP Init

If it is super secret, then just answer - no, why TI drop their customers???????????????????????????????????????????