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mDNS advertisement problem

Hi guys,

I am using the CC3000 and am having problems with the mDNS advertisement . If I set a breakpoint the first time it comes to the function call and from then onwards simply run the program the CC3000 seems to be advertising correctly. However if I simply run the program without setting any breakpoints it looks like the advertisement daemon keeps setting the source address constantly to 0. I have attached the wireshark capture. I have checked ofr delay issues but there doesnt seem to be any. Is this is a bug in the cc3000 firmware?

  • I would like to verify Sab's findings. I have seen the CC3000 mDNS packet provide a IP address a number of times in my tests. This was not only using a packet sniffer, but also one of the approved mDNS apps that TI support uses to verify that mDNS is functioning as expected.
