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Using _IQtoa(...) on Piccolo

I am starting to pull my code out of prototype, and so it's time to kick out all the sprintfs and replace them with something more efficient.  Since I'm already making pretty heavy use of the excellent IQMath library, I was hoping to take advantage of the _IQNtoa function provided to convert my _iq variables to cstrings for output. 

Unfortunately, even after simplifying my code down to the simplest test case (given in the IQMath pdf), I always receive error code 2 (Illegal format specified) and an empty result string.  I was wondering if someone could provide a sanity check or if anyone has seen this issue before.

 x1 = _IQ(1.125);                                          // IQ = 28, though I've tried a variety of different global and explicit Q values
 error = _IQtoa(str, "%10.10f", x1);         // error = 2

Thank you,