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C28346 XINTF example code problem

I have a problem with running the TI´s example code Example_2834xCodeRunFromXintf.c.

I´m using CCS 5.1, Delfino C28346 DIM168 Experimenter's Kit and Signum JTAGjet Emulator.

The code is suppose  to run two timer ISRs from external RAM memory. I can find both of these ISRs in the map file on right locations.

I`ve looked at external RAM after the standard MemCopy function had finished and I´ve noticed that the external RAM memory (ZONE7B) doesn´t look like the memory from witch the data data had been copied (RAML1). So obviously when the timer interrupt occurs the microcontroller goes to ILLEGAL_ISR. The ISRs work fine when they are not run form external RAM.

I haven´t changed anything in the example source code, any suggestions?