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Problem with SPI max speed

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F28069


I am using SPI communication on TMS320F28069 (90 MHz) and I think my SPI speed is not at its maximum but I don't know from where it comes from. I transmit 32 bits in 48.9 µs which corresponds to 654 kbps. I think I can go faster, isn't it ? So I give ou the SPI settings part of my soft (I precise that the SPI communication is between two TMS320F28069) and I am in Debug Mode :

*	FONCTION : InitSysCtrl
*   DESCRIPTION : Initialise le µC
void InitSysCtrl(void){

   // InitSysCtrl:
   // This function initializes the System Control registers to a known state.
   // - Disables the watchdog
   // - Set the PLLCR for proper SYSCLKOUT frequency
   // - Set the pre-scaler for the high and low frequency peripheral clocks
   // - Enable the clocks to the peripherals

   // Disable the watchdog

   // The Device_cal function, which copies the ADC & oscillator calibration values
   // from TI reserved OTP into the appropriate trim registers, occurs automatically
   // in the Boot ROM. If the boot ROM code is bypassed during the debug process, the
   // following function MUST be called for the ADC and oscillators to function according
   // to specification. The clocks to the ADC MUST be enabled before calling this
   // function.
   // See the device data manual and/or the ADC Reference
   // Manual for more information.

   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.ADCENCLK = 1; // Enable ADC peripheral clock
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.ADCENCLK = 0; // Return ADC clock to original state

   // Select Internal Oscillator 1 as Clock Source (default), and turn off all unused clocks to
   // conserve power.

   // Initialize the PLL control: PLLCR and CLKINDIV
   // DSP28_PLLCR and DSP28_CLKINDIV are defined in F2806x_Examples.h
   // Initialize the peripheral clocks

*	FONCTION : Init_Pll
*   DESCRIPTION : Initialise la Pll
void InitPll(Uint16 val, Uint16 divsel){

   // Example: InitPll:
   // This function initializes the PLLCR register.

   volatile Uint16 iVol;

   // Make sure the PLL is not running in limp mode
   if (SysCtrlRegs.PLLSTS.bit.MCLKSTS != 0){

      // OSCCLKSRC1 failure detected. PLL running in limp mode.
      // Re-enable missing clock logic.
      SysCtrlRegs.PLLSTS.bit.MCLKCLR = 1;
      // Replace this line with a call to an appropriate
      // SystemShutdown(); function.
     __asm("        ESTOP0");     // Uncomment for debugging purposes

   // DIVSEL MUST be 0 before PLLCR can be changed from
   // 0x0000. It is set to 0 by an external reset XRSn
   // This puts us in 1/4
   if(SysCtrlRegs.PLLSTS.bit.DIVSEL != 0){
       SysCtrlRegs.PLLSTS.bit.DIVSEL = 0;

   // Change the PLLCR
   if (SysCtrlRegs.PLLCR.bit.DIV != val){

      // Before setting PLLCR turn off missing clock detect logic
      SysCtrlRegs.PLLSTS.bit.MCLKOFF = 1;
      SysCtrlRegs.PLLCR.bit.DIV = val;

      // Optional: Wait for PLL to lock.
      // During this time the CPU will switch to OSCCLK/2 until
      // the PLL is stable.  Once the PLL is stable the CPU will
      // switch to the new PLL value.
      // This time-to-lock is monitored by a PLL lock counter.
      // Code is not required to sit and wait for the PLL to lock.
      // However, if the code does anything that is timing critical,
      // and requires the correct clock be locked, then it is best to
      // wait until this switching has completed.

      // Wait for the PLL lock bit to be set.

      // The watchdog should be disabled before this loop, or fed within
      // the loop via ServiceDog().

      // Uncomment to disable the watchdog

      while(SysCtrlRegs.PLLSTS.bit.PLLLOCKS != 1){
          // Uncomment to service the watchdog
          // ServiceDog();

      SysCtrlRegs.PLLSTS.bit.MCLKOFF = 0;


    // If switching to 1/2
    if((divsel == 1)||(divsel == 2)){
        SysCtrlRegs.PLLSTS.bit.DIVSEL = divsel;

    // If switching to 1/1
    // * First go to 1/2 and let the power settle
    //   The time required will depend on the system, this is only an example
    // * Then switch to 1/1
    if(divsel == 3){
        SysCtrlRegs.PLLSTS.bit.DIVSEL = 2;
        SysCtrlRegs.PLLSTS.bit.DIVSEL = 3;


*	FONCTION : InitPeripheralClocks
*   DESCRIPTION : Initialise les horloges
void InitPeripheralClocks(void){

   // Example: InitPeripheralClocks:
   // This function initializes the clocks to the peripheral modules.
   // First the high and low clock prescalers are set
   // Second the clocks are enabled to each peripheral.
   // To reduce power, leave clocks to unused peripherals disabled
   // Note: If a peripherals clock is not enabled then you cannot
   // read or write to the registers for that peripheral


// LOSPCP prescale register settings, normally it will be set to default values

// GpioCtrlRegs.GPAMUX2.bit.GPIO18 = 3;  // GPIO18 = XCLKOUT
   SysCtrlRegs.LOSPCP.all = 0x0001;

// XCLKOUT to SYSCLKOUT ratio.  By default XCLKOUT = 1/4 SYSCLKOUT

// Peripheral clock enables set for the selected peripherals.
// If you are not using a peripheral leave the clock off
// to save on power.
// Note: not all peripherals are available on all F2806x derivates.
// Refer to the datasheet for your particular device.
// This function is not written to be an example of efficient code.

   /*SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.EPWM1ENCLK = 1;    // ePWM1
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.EPWM2ENCLK = 1;    // ePWM2
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.EPWM3ENCLK = 1;    // ePWM3
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.EPWM4ENCLK = 1;    // ePWM4
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.EPWM5ENCLK = 1;    // ePWM5
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.EPWM6ENCLK = 1;    // ePWM6
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.EPWM7ENCLK = 1;    // ePWM7
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.EPWM8ENCLK = 1;    // ePWM8

   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.HRPWMENCLK = 1;    // HRPWM
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.TBCLKSYNC = 1;     // Enable TBCLK within the ePWM

   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.EQEP1ENCLK = 1;    // eQEP1
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.EQEP2ENCLK = 1;    // eQEP2

   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.ECAP1ENCLK = 1;    // eCAP1
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.ECAP2ENCLK = 1;    // eCAP2
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.ECAP3ENCLK = 1;    // eCAP3

   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR2.bit.HRCAP1ENCLK = 1;	  // HRCAP1
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR2.bit.HRCAP2ENCLK = 1;	  // HRCAP2
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR2.bit.HRCAP3ENCLK = 1;	  // HRCAP3
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR2.bit.HRCAP4ENCLK = 1;   // HRCAP4

   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.ADCENCLK = 1;      // ADC
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR3.bit.COMP1ENCLK = 1;    // COMP1
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR3.bit.COMP2ENCLK = 1;    // COMP2
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR3.bit.COMP3ENCLK = 1;    // COMP3*/

   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR3.bit.CPUTIMER0ENCLK = 1; // CPU Timer 0
   /*SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR3.bit.CPUTIMER1ENCLK = 1; // CPU Timer 1
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR3.bit.CPUTIMER2ENCLK = 1; // CPU Timer 2

   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR3.bit.DMAENCLK = 1;      // DMA

   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR3.bit.CLA1ENCLK = 1;     // CLA1

   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR3.bit.USB0ENCLK = 1;	  // USB0 
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.I2CAENCLK = 1;     // I2C-A*/
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.SPIAENCLK = 1;     // SPI-A
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.SPIBENCLK = 1;     // SPI-B
   /*SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.SCIAENCLK = 1;     // SCI-A
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.SCIBENCLK = 1;     // SCI-B
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.MCBSPAENCLK = 1;   // McBSP-A
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.ECANAENCLK=1;      // eCAN-A
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.TBCLKSYNC = 1;     // Enable TBCLK within the ePWM*/

   //SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR3.bit.GPIOINENCLK = 1;    // GPIO input clock

void InitSpi(void){

	// Initialize SPI  registers

	SpibRegs.SPICCR.all = 0x008F;		         // Reset on
	SpibRegs.SPICTL.all = 0x000E;    		     // Enable master mode, normal phase, enable talk, and SPI int disabled.
	SpibRegs.SPIBRR = 0x0001;
	SpibRegs.SPIPRI.bit.FREE = 1;                // Set so breakpoints don't disturb xmission



What can be the issue ? Thank you in advance if you have any idea