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Flash Memory Write Error F28069

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH

I am using CCSv4 & CCSv5.4 to write and download programs to controlStick F28069. All of a sudden, I could not download, erase or reprogram my controller. I have then tested and tried using Uniflash programming utility. No success. I have tried reprogramming the FTDI chip with tools addressed in XDS100 page. It seems to be working as expected. I have tried programming another controlStick to make sure that the PC USB is intact. There is no prblem with PC, Software integrity and USB port. I assume FTDI is also clean.

I have tried to see whether any locking and passwords problem. No, I can unlock without error, no unexpected password list. I can read from the memory, but cannot write and cannot program.

I have read many similar discussions, but could not figure out a solution. Before buying a new stick I wanted to get expert opinion. Especially, I am uneasy to get a new device, without knowing the reason of damage or way to cure, if any.

Adnan Kurt

PS. This is a typical error message I am getting under Uniflash:

C28xx: Flash Programmer: Error erasing flash memory. << When trying to erase asector

And these are what I get when trying to download a program:

[05:34:01] Loading program: \\PISI\Users\Adnan\ShareVirtual\BlinkingLED.out
[05:34:04] ERROR >> C28xx: Flash Programmer: Error encountered when writing to flash memory
[05:34:05] ERROR >> C28xx: GEL: File: \\PISI\Users\Adnan\ShareVirtual\BlinkingLED.out: Load failed.
[05:34:05] File: \\PISI\Users\Adnan\ShareVirtual\BlinkingLED.out: Load failed.
[05:34:05] Programs operation finished.

  • Hi Adnan,

    It sounds as if the device is locked by the security module. If that is the case there is no way to get it back to its default state. I would like to know, did you ever stop the ongoing programming process when it was successfully programming? Try using the "unlock" feature in Uniflash and then try programming.



  • Dear Gautam,


    Yes, I neglected to report the issue. The last time I tried to program the device, my PC somehow freezed, and I had to reset the system. Does it mean,  the processor is dead? I have tried unlocking it with Uniflash, it didnot recover. Is there any way to prove that it is deadlock?


    This is what I get when tried to unlock and then erase part of the flash memory:

    [15:55:20] C28xx: Starting device unlocking...

    [15:55:20] C28xx: Device unlocked. To clear the programmed password, please erase Sector A of Flash memory.

    [15:55:38] C28xx: Erasing Flash memory...

    [15:55:40] ERROR >> C28xx: Flash Programmer: Error erasing flash memory. Error erasing Sector E

    [15:55:41] Flash operation Erase failed on core Texas Instruments XDS100v2 USB Emulator/C28xx .


  • The last time I tried to program the device, my PC somehow freezed, and I had to reset the system. Does it mean,  the processor is dead?

    Yes, this is the main cause of the controller getting bricked. Anyways try selecting only 1 sector at a time erase it and try to program on the same sector. Let me know what you observe.



  • Dear Gautam,

    I have tried erasing one sector at a time as well. Does not work, I cannot reprogram. Should I replace the processor?

    Best Regards;

    Adnan Kurt

  • Yup Adnan there doesn't seem any other option left.



  • Thanks Gautam.

    I am a bit dissappointed. That means I have to make sure that the Flash write operations must never cease during the lifetime of the application board. And that helped me to understand that I should not use internal flash for variable storage which requires FlashAPI to be used in the field.

    Good point is I could made my mind :)



  • Yup, Adnan just be careful :)

    Good luck & Regards,


  • Hi,

    I just wanted to report about the same problem. We've produced 8 boards with 28069 MCU, and two of them cannot be reprogrammed. I could program them once, but after that an error occurs when erasing flash. No locking was used and the programming did not interrupt at any time. After LOTS of trying, i managed to erase and program one of the boards, but only once. after restart flash erasing was not accessible again. I understand, that most probably the only way will be to replace the chips, but I wanted to let TI know anyway.