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Why GPIO set/ clear taking more time (2-3 cycles)

HI all,

I am working on DAC interfacing with EzDSP-F28335 Evaluation board.

For 4-channel DAC configuration, I need to toggle the GPIO port pins accordingly to provide address of channel for

writing data to a particular channel. For selecting the channel I have implemented 'Switch:Case'.(attached)

According to data sheet DAC write should complete with in 100nsec but it takes 1usec.(measured on oscilloscope by toggling a GPIO before and after the DAC function call)

When we start analysis then we found that GPIO is taking more time(approx 2-3 cycles: measured with CCSv4 clock cycles) for set or clear instruction.

Example: GpioDataRegs.GPASET.bit.GPIO1 = 1;

I have referred this link and changed the GPIO set and clear instructions in assembly(attached)

But in both cases the time it is taking to complete the DAC writing is same i.e., 1us (measured on oscilloscope by toggling a GPIO before and after the DAC function call).

Please help me to reduce the timings.

