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Features of High Volatge Inverter DC-AC Development kits

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CONTROLSUITE


I am working on creating a labscale microgrid for which I was going through some of your High Volatge Inverter DC-AC kits. I have checked the following products. 1) TMDSHV1PHINVKIT ( 2) TI C2000 Solar inverter Kit ( 3) Solar Micro Inverter Development Kit (TMDSSOLARUINVKIT) ( I have certain requirements which are listed below. I would like to have access to: 1) analog signals for all the voltages and currents. (Before and after as well as the inductor current) 2) If I have two such kits, can I use a common clock for both of them (or can the clocks of both the kits be synchronized?) Please let me know which of the kits listed above have the required functionality available.. If these features are not supported by the kits mentioned above, please let me know about any other inverter kit with the required functionality. It would be helpful if I could personally talk to a technical representative about my requirements. Please let me know if it is possible.



  • Hi Mangal,

    Answers for above questions can be found out easily by going through the schematics of the above kits. These can be accessed by downloading a software named controlSuite. This suite has all schematics, pcb files and sample codes for all the C2000 kits.



  • Hi Gautam,

    Thanks for the information. But I do not seem to find these answers in the technical data sheet for these. Do you know if the features I am looking for is available in the above mentioned development kits?


  • Mangal Prakash said:
    1) analog signals for all the voltages and currents. (Before and after as well as the inductor current)

    Yes, you'll very well have. That's exactly why I asked you to check the schematics of the kits which will indicate the exact points where you'll be able to monitor these analog signals.

    Mangal Prakash said:
    If I have two such kits, can I use a common clock for both of them (or can the clocks of both the kits be synchronized?)

    Any particular reason you want to do this? If only for communication between them then this can be very well achieved.



  • Hi Gautam,

    Thanks for replying back.  Actually I downloadaed the software you mentioned but have not been able to locate the schematics. It provides only the pdf available on the web. I may very well have missed it though. Can you please post the link to the schematics here?

    About clock synchronization, I have a specific operation which requires that the clocks of both the kits be synchronized together, i.e.e, isochronous operation. So, how easily is that achievable? 


  • Mangal Prakash said:
    Can you please post the link to the schematics here?

    Once you download controlSuite software, you can find schematics here:



    and the rest here:


    Mangal Prakash said:
    About clock synchronization, I have a specific operation which requires that the clocks of both the kits be synchronized together, i.e.e, isochronous operation. So, how easily is that achievable? 

    Specifically, there's no such facility provided. Further you can explore the device specific "SysCtrl and Interrupts" user guide for more info on Sysclk sync.



  • Well thanks Gautam for the links.

    About clock synchronization as you said earlier that for communication, it can be synced. Can you please elaborate it more? Else is a Master- Slave operation possible on the two clock timers? 

    I have yet another question. Can I use my own design of filter with this kit instead of using TI's inbuilt filter?


  • Mangal Prakash said:
    About clock synchronization as you said earlier that for communication, it can be synced. Can you please elaborate it more? Else is a Master- Slave operation possible on the two clock timers? 

    When it comes to communication, for eg. SPI this can be very well done where one device is configured as Master and the other slave. For more info refer: for F28035 controller 5684.SPI.pdf

    Mangal Prakash said:
    I have yet another question. Can I use my own design of filter with this kit instead of using TI's inbuilt filter?

    Why not, but TI designs are pretty much optimized for higher performance. You can add your own filters but see to it that does not incorporate more delay thus leading to unstable system.



  • Hi Gautam,

    About the filters that come with this inverter kit from TI, can they be used for plug and play operation? Else I will have to design my own filters to go in conjunction with this.


  • Mangal Prakash said:
    About the filters that come with this inverter kit from TI, can they be used for plug and play operation?

    Yup, they're very well enough.



  • Hi Gautam,

    I have purchased TMDSSOLARUINVKIT recently and the hardware equipments required to run the solar micro inverter kit as mentioned in Control Suite CCS User Documentation are:

    1) Input power source- Isolated DC Power Supply rated 25-44VDC, 20A and 400W min (Agilent Programmable DC Source, model N5769A or similar).
    2. 200 Ohms, 500W power resistor
    3. 100 Ohms, 1KW power resistor
    4. 1K Ohms 500W power resistor
    5. Volt-Meters of up to 500V input range
    6. Oscilloscope of ~200MHz bandwidth.
    7. High Volt Differential Probe, Tektronix P5205 or similar.
    8. Current Probe, Tektronix TCP202 or similar
    9. Current Meter for output AC current, Up to 5A (RMS) range
    10. Current Meter for input DC current, Up to 12A (DC) range

    From what i understand, I have some questions about these hardware equipments.

    1) The resistors (200 Ohms, 500W power resistor/100 Ohms, 1KW power resistor/ 1K Ohms 500W power resistor) are meant to be used as load. So why is it necessary to use 3 resistors? Can any one of these alone not be used?
    2) Also, what is the requirement for using 200 MHz bandwidth oscilloscope? I am expecting power signals to have a frequency of a few kHz during transients phase. So why do we need to have such high bandwidth oscilloscope?

    3) What is the necessity for a Programmable DC source?  Can a standard DC source (not programmable) not meet the operational requirements?

    Apart from this, the jumper and basic board setup documentation says " Verify a jumper cable is connected between TP8 and TP9 to connect the DC-DC stage output to the DC-AC stage input. If not install this jumper cable using a #16 cable."

    What is a "#16 cable"? I do not seem to find it anywhere. 


  • Hi Mangal,

    Please close this post and as I see you've already posted the above query on a new post. Please keep the habit of posting new queries in a new post.

  • Thanks Gautam,
    I will keep that in mind the next time. By the way, can you please answer my query?
