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Compatibility of CCS and Matlab Support needed!

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CONTROLSUITE


The Mathworks documentation for Matlab 2014 says that it requires CCSv3 for support of TI C2000 processors. CCSv3 is no longer available. I have CCSv6 and CCSv5 on my system and Matlab 2014 does not recognize it to install the support packages. Can anyone tell me which version of Matlab and latest version of CCS compatible with windows 7 can be used. 


  • Hi Puneeth,

    If you check Youtube, there are number of videos  on the same topic. One of them being:

    Also, tight integration with Matlab only existed in CCSv3 and earlier. Unfortunately that version of CCS is no longer supported. For later versions of CCS, some level of build integration exists while debugger integration is possible via DSS. See this link for more for details:



  • Hello Gautam,

    Thank you very much for your quick response. You answered the question at every post(Basically I had spammed).

    I shall try this out and get back to you.

    Really appreciate your effort in this!



  • Puneeth Kumar Srikanta Murthy said:
    You answered the question at every post(Basically I had spammed).

    Exactly...! I wanted to warn you but then... I thought you would understand when you receive multiple answers :)

    Puneeth Kumar Srikanta Murthy said:

    I shall try this out and get back to you.

    Really appreciate your effort in this!

    Sure do keep us updated.



  • Hello Gautham,

    I reverted back to older versions of Matlab and CCS. I am currently using Matlab 2011a and CCSv5.5 . I did the required changes in the xmakesetup configuration. When I run the checkEnvSetup('ccs','f28335','check'), matlab gives the following error,

    Same thing in text :

    >> checkEnvSetup('ccs','f28335','check')
    ??? Error using ==> ticcs at 126
    You cannot invoke TICCS on a 64-Bit Microsoft(R) Windows(R) platform.
    The IDE Link adaptor for use with Texas Instruments(TM) Code Composer Studio(TM) is not supported on this
    Refer to the IDE Link System Requirements for platforms supported by this adaptor.

    Error in ==> C:\Program
    Files\MATLAB\R2011a_2\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\envChecker\checkEnvSetup_private.p>getIdeHandle at 779

    Error in ==> C:\Program
    Files\MATLAB\R2011a_2\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\envChecker\checkEnvSetup_private.p>genReport at 320

    Error in ==> C:\Program
    at 61

    Error in ==> checkEnvSetup at 120


    Please let me know, if there is some work around for this!

  • Hello Gautham,

    I was able to do the required installation and I ran the I did the following for checkEnvSetup


    1. Checking CCSv5 (Code Composer Studio) version
    Required version: 5.0 or later
    Required for : Code Generation
    Your Version : 5.5.0
    ### Setting environment variable "TI_DIR" to "C:\ti\ccsv5"
    Warning: System command setx failed. System returned the following message: ERROR: Registry editing has
    been disabled by your administrator.
    . Manually create an environment variable TI_DIR set to "C:\ti\ccsv5".
    > In C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\envChecker\checkEnvSetup_private.p>setEnvVar at 569
    In C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\envChecker\checkEnvSetup_private.p>setupEnv at 230
    In C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\envChecker\checkEnvSetup_private.p>envSetup at 313
    In C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\envChecker\checkEnvSetup_private.p>checkEnvSetup_private at 75
    In checkEnvSetup at 155

    2. Checking CGT (Texas Instruments C2000 Code Generation Tools) version
    Required version: 5.2.1 to 6.0.2
    Required for : Code generation
    Your Version : 6.2.0
    ### Setting environment variable "C2000_CGT_INSTALLDIR" to "C:\ti\ccsv5\tools\compiler\c2000_6.2.0"
    Warning: System command setx failed. System returned the following message: ERROR: Registry editing has
    been disabled by your administrator.
    . Manually create an environment variable C2000_CGT_INSTALLDIR set to
    > In C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\envChecker\checkEnvSetup_private.p>setEnvVar at 569
    In C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\envChecker\checkEnvSetup_private.p>setupEnv at 230
    In C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\envChecker\checkEnvSetup_private.p>envSetup at 313
    In C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\envChecker\checkEnvSetup_private.p>checkEnvSetup_private at 75
    In checkEnvSetup at 155
    The version found for "CGT" differs from the one used for our software validation. Use it at your own risk.

    3. Checking DSP/BIOS (Real Time Operating System) version
    Required version: 5.33.05 to
    Required for : Code generation
    Your Version :
    ### Setting environment variable "CCSV5_DSPBIOS_INSTALLDIR" to "C:\ti\bios_6_35_04_50"
    Warning: System command setx failed. System returned the following message: ERROR: Registry editing has
    been disabled by your administrator.
    . Manually create an environment variable CCSV5_DSPBIOS_INSTALLDIR set to "C:\ti\bios_6_35_04_50".
    > In C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\envChecker\checkEnvSetup_private.p>setEnvVar at 569
    In C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\envChecker\checkEnvSetup_private.p>setupEnv at 230
    In C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\envChecker\checkEnvSetup_private.p>envSetup at 313
    In C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\envChecker\checkEnvSetup_private.p>checkEnvSetup_private at 75
    In checkEnvSetup at 155
    The version found for "DSP/BIOS" differs from the one used for our software validation. Use it at your own risk.

    4. Checking XDC Tools (eXpress DSP Components) version
    Required version: or later
    Required for : Code generation
    Your Version : NOT FOUND
    The required version of XDC Tools is not found in $(XDCROOT)

    5. Checking Flash Tools (TMS320C28335 Flash APIs) version
    Required version: 2.10
    Required for : Flash Programming
    Your Version : 2.10
    ### Setting environment variable "FLASH_28335_API_INSTALLDIR" to "C:\ti\controlSUITE\libs\utilities\flash_api\2833x\28335\v210"
    Warning: System command setx failed. System returned the following message: ERROR: Registry editing has
    been disabled by your administrator.
    . Manually create an environment variable FLASH_28335_API_INSTALLDIR set to
    > In C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\envChecker\checkEnvSetup_private.p>setEnvVar at 569
    In C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\envChecker\checkEnvSetup_private.p>setupEnv at 230
    In C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\envChecker\checkEnvSetup_private.p>envSetup at 313
    In C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\envChecker\checkEnvSetup_private.p>checkEnvSetup_private at 75
    In checkEnvSetup at 155

    It gave a lot of warnings. Please let me know if this is ok?

    Also, once I restart matlab and run checkEnvSetup('ccsv5','f28335','check')

    They do not point to the required directory as shown in the link to the video that you gave. 

    Thank you very much!


  • Puneeth, there are compatibility issues with CCS v5.5 and is also not recommended. Finally even if you get rid of the errors & warnings, I'm not sure how is the integrity of the code generated is maintained!



  • Gautham, Which version of ccsv5 is good without trouble. V4 is not compatible in my system. Please let me know.
  • Puneeth Kumar Srikanta Murthy said:
    Gautham, Which version of ccsv5 is good without trouble. V4 is not compatible in my system. Please let me know.

    That's what I'm trying to convey that CCS v5 is not at all compatible and CCSv4 is partially.... the only compatible version being CCSv3.3 which is not available for download. Hence core coding seems to be the only option. There are people who've tried to work with CCS v5 & simulink but did not find them suitable.



  • oh!This is sad news. But I am able to install CCSv4 and able to connect and blink the led without an issue. So CCSv4 should not be a problem now. 

    You said CCSv4 is partially compatible. Is it good to go ahead with it or troublesome. I am trying to do the same procedure described in the video. It says 

    Environment variable BIOS_INSTALL_DIR required for code generation could not be found...

    But in video he said, for c2000 processors, we should not be worried about this.

    When I try to build a program in simulink, the same one which he says in the video simulink tries to find CCSv5 path which is not even there. Since, I uninstalled it after you said it will not work. Do you have a solution for that. Please let me know.

    The error that showed up is below. 

  • Hello Gautham,

    I was able to do the blink led experiment with CCSv5.5 and Matlab 2014. I did not have to do the xmakefilesetup and checkenvsetup. Though those things were not matching, matlab allowed me to generate the .out file.

    As you can see from the above image I have posted. Matlab was looking for a pre defined path for the code generation tools. Since, it was not finding it, it was throwing up an error. I installed CCSv5, code generation was configured in simulink model configuration parameters. Under Code target, I selected only Build for Build action. I was able to execute them .out file which was generated in CCSv5.5 successfully. 

    I hope I will be able to execute a processor in the loop feature.

    Thank you very much! 



  • Puneeth Kumar Srikanta Murthy said:

    I hope I will be able to execute a processor in the loop feature.

    Thank you very much! 

    That's Great, Puneeth. But I would still like to warn you that basic examples might work but when algorithms go complex.... the scenario might be different.

    Goodluck & Regards,


  • Gautham,

    Though I had configured the xmakefilesetup as well as code generation(model configurations) for ccsv4. Matlab was searching for CCSv5 only. It was not looking for ccsv4 at all. Even if the system variables were defined to CCSv4 path. Is there are workaround for it? Please let me know, I will be using complex algorithms I do not want to get struck at a later path. I intend to use the DMC library as well as the IQ math library extensively. Please let me know.



  • Puneeth Kumar Srikanta Murthy said:
    Please let me know, I will be using complex algorithms I do not want to get struck at a later path. I intend to use the DMC library as well as the IQ math library extensively. Please let me know.

    Exactly, this is when members here start posting their queries when they're deep into this.They get stuck and then there's no one to help (My personal observation here)! I don't know whether they find the workaround or they opt for the core coding method with the help of controlSuite. I've seen few of them opting for the later.

    Note: Here at C2000 community the support of Simulink interface is scarce and very limited.



  • So, even with CCSv4 the complex algorithms are bound to fail with SImulink?

  • Puneeth Kumar Srikanta Murthy said:
    So, even with CCSv4 the complex algorithms are bound to fail with SImulink?

    Sorry Puneeth, I would not be able to comment on both the compilers. What if you're able to implement all the complex stuff using CCS v4 or v5 or v6... you would be the Genius ie without any official support available! It would be as good as porting Note 4 features to Note 2; as the electron-team has recently done.

    If you work in an industry and timeline is an issue... then I would recommend you to go for coding methodology.

