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F28377D writting to SDCard issue.

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CONTROLSUITE


I have a problem with writing file to sd card. I am trying to modify example from controlSuite. File on card is created, but its empty.

Can you advise me what is wrong with my code or post example of proper write operation?
Thanks for answers,

diskResult = disk_initialize(0);

diskResult = disk_status(0);

fresult = f_mount(0, &g_sFatFs);

if(fresult == FR_OK)
	fresult =  f_open(file, "1stfile.txt", FA_OPEN_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);
	if(fresult == FR_OK)
		fresult = f_write (file, "test", strlen("test"), &res);
	fresult = f_sync (file);



  • Jakub,

    There's a problem in the USB library that's preventing f_write() from working. I'm trying to find a fix now. I'll let you know when I have a solution.

    Sorry for the trouble,

  • Jakub,

    There were a couple bugs in the USB library. I'm attaching some fixed files to this post. These bugs should also be fixed in the next controlSUITE release.

    F2837xD_common\lib\usblib.lib: 0172.usblib.lib

    F2837xD_common\usblib\host\usbhostenum.c: 1643.usbhostenum.c


    // FILE: usbhscsi.c
    // TITLE: USB host SCSI layer used by the USB host MSC driver
    // $TI Release: F2837xD Support Library v130 $
    // $Release Date: Mon Oct 20 10:15:06 CDT 2014 $
    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include "inc/hw_types.h"
    #include "usblib/usblib.h"
    #include "usblib/usbmsc.h"
    #include "usblib/host/usbhost.h"
    #include "usblib/host/usbhmsc.h"
    #include "usblib/host/usbhscsi.h"
    //! \addtogroup usblib_host_class
    //! @{
    // This is the data verify tag passed between requests.
    #define CBW_TAG_VALUE           0x54231990
    //! This function is used to issue SCSI commands via USB.
    //! \param ui32InPipe is the USB IN pipe to use for this command.
    //! \param ui32OutPipe is the USB OUT pipe to use for this command.
    //! \param psSCSICmd is the SCSI command structure to send.
    //! \param pui8Data is pointer to the command data to be sent.
    //! \param pui32Size is the number of bytes is the number of bytes expected or
    //! sent by the command.
    //! This internal function is used to handle SCSI commands sent by other
    //! functions.  It serves as a layer between the SCSI command and the USB
    //! interface being used to send the command.  The \e pSCSI parameter contains
    //! the SCSI command to send.  For commands that expect data back, the
    //! \e pui8Data is the buffer to store the data into and \e pui32Size is used
    //! to store the amount of data to request as well as used to indicate how many
    //! bytes were filled into the \e pui8Data buffer on return.  For commands that
    //! are sending data, \e pui8Data is the data to be sent and \e pui32Size is
    //! the number of bytes to send.
    //! \return This function returns the SCSI status from the command.  The value
    //! will be either \b SCSI_CMD_STATUS_PASS or \b SCSI_CMD_STATUS_FAIL.
    static uint32_t
    USBHSCSISendCommand(uint32_t ui32InPipe, uint32_t ui32OutPipe,
                        tMSCCBW *psSCSICmd, uint8_t *pui8Data, uint32_t *pui32Size)
        tMSCCSW sCmdStatus;
        uint32_t ui32Bytes;
        // Initialize the command status.
        writeusb32_t(&(sCmdStatus.dCSWSignature), 0);
        writeusb32_t(&(sCmdStatus.dCSWTag), 0);
        sCmdStatus.bCSWStatus = SCSI_CMD_STATUS_FAIL;
        // Set the CBW signature and tag.
        writeusb32_t(&(psSCSICmd->dCBWSignature), CBW_SIGNATURE);
        writeusb32_t(&(psSCSICmd->dCBWTag), CBW_TAG_VALUE);
        // Set the size of the data to be returned by the device.
        writeusb32_t(&(psSCSICmd->dCBWDataTransferLength), *pui32Size);
        // Send the command.
        ui32Bytes = USBHCDPipeWrite(ui32OutPipe, (uint8_t*)psSCSICmd,
        // If no bytes went out then the command failed.
        if(ui32Bytes == 0)
        // Only request data if there is data to request.
        if(readusb32_t(&(psSCSICmd->dCBWDataTransferLength)) != 0)
            // See if this is a read or a write.
            if(psSCSICmd->bmCBWFlags & CBWFLAGS_DIR_IN)
                // Read the data back.
                *pui32Size = USBHCDPipeRead(ui32InPipe, pui8Data, *pui32Size);
                // Write the data out.
                *pui32Size = USBHCDPipeWrite(ui32OutPipe, pui8Data, *pui32Size);
        // Get the status of the command.
        ui32Bytes = USBHCDPipeRead(ui32InPipe, (uint8_t *)&sCmdStatus,
        // If the status was invalid or did not have the correct signature then
        // indicate a failure.
        if((ui32Bytes == 0) || (readusb32_t(&(sCmdStatus.dCSWSignature)) != CSW_SIGNATURE) ||
           (readusb32_t(&(sCmdStatus.dCSWTag)) != CBW_TAG_VALUE))
        // Return the status.
    //! This will issue the SCSI inquiry command to a device.
    //! \param ui32InPipe is the USB IN pipe to use for this command.
    //! \param ui32OutPipe is the USB OUT pipe to use for this command.
    //! \param pui8Data is the data buffer to return the results into.
    //! \param pui32Size is the size of buffer that was passed in on entry and the
    //! number of bytes returned.
    //! This function should be used to issue a SCSI Inquiry command to a mass
    //! storage device.  To allow for multiple devices, the \e ui32InPipe and
    //! \e ui32OutPipe parameters indicate which USB pipes to use for this call.
    //! \note The \e pui8Data buffer pointer should have at least
    //! \b SCSI_INQUIRY_DATA_SZ bytes of data or this function will overflow the
    //! buffer.
    //! \return This function returns the SCSI status from the command.  The value
    //! will be either \b SCSI_CMD_STATUS_PASS or \b SCSI_CMD_STATUS_FAIL.
    USBHSCSIInquiry(uint32_t ui32InPipe, uint32_t ui32OutPipe,
                    uint8_t *pui8Data, uint32_t *pui32Size)
        tMSCCBW sSCSICmd;
        usb32_t *pui32Data;
        // Create a local 32-bit pointer to the command.
        pui32Data = (usb32_t *)sSCSICmd.CBWCB;
        // The number of bytes of data that the host expects to transfer on the
        // Bulk-In or Bulk-Out endpoint (as indicated by the Direction bit) during
        // the execution of this command.  If this field is zero, the device and
        // the host shall transfer no data between the CBW and the associated CSW,
        // and the device shall ignore the value of the Direction bit in
        // bmCBWFlags.
        *pui32Size = SCSI_INQUIRY_DATA_SZ;
        // This is an IN request.
        sSCSICmd.bmCBWFlags = CBWFLAGS_DIR_IN;
        // Only handle LUN 0.
        sSCSICmd.bCBWLUN = 0;
        // This is the length of the command itself.
        sSCSICmd.bCBWCBLength = 6;
        // Send Inquiry command with no request for vital product data.
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[0]), SCSI_INQUIRY_CMD);
        // Allocation length.
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[1]), SCSI_INQUIRY_DATA_SZ);
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[2]), 0);
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[3]), 0);
        // Send the command and get the results.
        return(USBHSCSISendCommand(ui32InPipe, ui32OutPipe, &sSCSICmd, pui8Data,
    //! This will issue the SCSI read capacity command to a device.
    //! \param ui32InPipe is the USB IN pipe to use for this command.
    //! \param ui32OutPipe is the USB OUT pipe to use for this command.
    //! \param pui8Data is the data buffer to return the results into.
    //! \param pui32Size is the size of buffer that was passed in on entry and the
    //! number of bytes returned.
    //! This function should be used to issue a SCSI Read Capacity command
    //! to a mass storage device that is connected.  To allow for multiple devices,
    //! the \e ui32InPipe and \e ui32OutPipe parameters indicate which USB pipes to
    //! use for this call.
    //! \note The \e pui8Data buffer pointer should have at least
    //! \b SCSI_READ_CAPACITY_SZ bytes of data or this function will overflow the
    //! buffer.
    //! \return This function returns the SCSI status from the command.  The value
    //! will be either \b SCSI_CMD_STATUS_PASS or \b SCSI_CMD_STATUS_FAIL.
    USBHSCSIReadCapacity(uint32_t ui32InPipe, uint32_t ui32OutPipe,
                         uint8_t *pui8Data, uint32_t *pui32Size)
        tMSCCBW sSCSICmd;
        usb32_t *pui32Data;
        // Create a local 32-bit pointer to the command.
        pui32Data = (usb32_t *)sSCSICmd.CBWCB;
        // Set the size of the command data.
        *pui32Size = SCSI_READ_CAPACITY_SZ;
        // This is an IN request.
        sSCSICmd.bmCBWFlags = CBWFLAGS_DIR_IN;
        // Only handle LUN 0.
        sSCSICmd.bCBWLUN = 0;
        // Set the length of the command itself.
        sSCSICmd.bCBWCBLength = 12;
        // Only use the first byte and set it to the Read Capacity command.  The
        // rest are set to 0.
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[0]), SCSI_READ_CAPACITY);
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[1]), 0);
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[2]), 0);
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[3]), 0);
        // Send the command and get the results.
        return(USBHSCSISendCommand(ui32InPipe, ui32OutPipe, &sSCSICmd, pui8Data,
    //! This will issue the SCSI read capacities command to a device.
    //! \param ui32InPipe is the USB IN pipe to use for this command.
    //! \param ui32OutPipe is the USB OUT pipe to use for this command.
    //! \param pui8Data is the data buffer to return the results into.
    //! \param pui32Size is the size of buffer that was passed in on entry and the
    //! number of bytes returned.
    //! This function should be used to issue a SCSI Read Capacities command
    //! to a mass storage device that is connected.  To allow for multiple devices,
    //! the \e ui32InPipe and \e ui32OutPipe parameters indicate which USB pipes to
    //! use for this call.
    //! \return This function returns the SCSI status from the command.  The value
    //! will be either \b SCSI_CMD_STATUS_PASS or \b SCSI_CMD_STATUS_FAIL.
    USBHSCSIReadCapacities(uint32_t ui32InPipe, uint32_t ui32OutPipe,
                           uint8_t *pui8Data, uint32_t *pui32Size)
        tMSCCBW sSCSICmd;
        usb32_t *pui32Data;
        // Create a local 32-bit pointer to the command.
        pui32Data = (usb32_t *)sSCSICmd.CBWCB;
        // This is an IN request.
        sSCSICmd.bmCBWFlags = CBWFLAGS_DIR_IN;
        // Only handle LUN 0.
        sSCSICmd.bCBWLUN = 0;
        // Set the length of the command itself.
        sSCSICmd.bCBWCBLength = 12;
        // Only use the first byte and set it to the Read Capacity command.  The
        // rest are set to 0.
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[0]), SCSI_READ_CAPACITIES);
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[1]), 0);
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[2]), 0);
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[3]), 0);
        // Send the command and get the results.
        return(USBHSCSISendCommand(ui32InPipe, ui32OutPipe, &sSCSICmd, pui8Data,
    //! This will issue the SCSI Mode Sense(6) command to a device.
    //! \param ui32InPipe is the USB IN pipe to use for this command.
    //! \param ui32OutPipe is the USB OUT pipe to use for this command.
    //! \param ui32Flags is a combination of flags defining the exact query that is
    //! to be made.
    //! \param pui8Data is the data buffer to return the results into.
    //! \param pui32Size is the size of the buffer on entry and number of bytes
    //! read on exit.
    //! This function should be used to issue a SCSI Mode Sense(6) command
    //! to a mass storage device.  To allow for multiple devices,the \e ui32InPipe
    //! and \e ui32OutPipe parameters indicate which USB pipes to use for this
    //! call. The call will return at most the number of bytes in the \e pui32Size
    //! parameter, however it can return less and change the \e pui32Size parameter
    //! to the number of valid bytes in the \e *pui32Size buffer.
    //! The \e ui32Flags parameter is a combination of the following three sets of
    //! definitions:
    //! One of the following values must be specified:
    //! - \b SCSI_MS_PC_CURRENT request for current settings.
    //! - \b SCSI_MS_PC_CHANGEABLE request for changeable settings.
    //! - \b SCSI_MS_PC_DEFAULT request for default settings.
    //! - \b SCSI_MS_PC_SAVED request for the saved values.
    //! One of these following values must also be specified to determine the page
    //! code for the request:
    //! - \b SCSI_MS_PC_VENDOR is the vendor specific page code.
    //! - \b SCSI_MS_PC_DISCO is the disconnect/reconnect page code.
    //! - \b SCSI_MS_PC_CONTROL is the control page code.
    //! - \b SCSI_MS_PC_LUN is the protocol specific LUN page code.
    //! - \b SCSI_MS_PC_PORT is the protocol specific port page code.
    //! - \b SCSI_MS_PC_POWER is the power condition page code.
    //! - \b SCSI_MS_PC_INFORM is the informational exceptions page code.
    //! - \b SCSI_MS_PC_ALL will request all pages codes supported by the device.
    //! The last value is optional and supports the following global flag:
    //! - \b SCSI_MS_DBD disables returning block descriptors.
    //! Example: Request for all current settings.
    //! \verbatim
    //! SCSIModeSense6(ui32InPipe, ui32OutPipe,
    //!                SCSI_MS_PC_CURRENT | SCSI_MS_PC_ALL,
    //!                pui8Data, pui32Size);
    //! \endverbatim
    //! \return This function returns the SCSI status from the command.  The value
    //! will be either \b SCSI_CMD_STATUS_PASS or \b SCSI_CMD_STATUS_FAIL.
    USBHSCSIModeSense6(uint32_t ui32InPipe, uint32_t ui32OutPipe,
                       uint32_t ui32Flags, uint8_t *pui8Data,
                       uint32_t *pui32Size)
        tMSCCBW sSCSICmd;
        uint32_t *pui32Data;
        // Create a local 32-bit pointer to the command.
        pui32Data = (uint32_t *)sSCSICmd.CBWCB;
        // This is an IN request.
        sSCSICmd.bmCBWFlags = CBWFLAGS_DIR_IN;
        // Only handle LUN 0.
        sSCSICmd.bCBWLUN = 0;
        // Set the size of the command data.
        sSCSICmd.bCBWCBLength = 6;
        // Set the options for the Mode Sense Command (6).
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[0]), (SCSI_MODE_SENSE_6 | ui32Flags));
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[1]), (uint8_t)*pui32Size);
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[2]), 0);
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[3]), 0);
        // Send the command and get the results.
        return(USBHSCSISendCommand(ui32InPipe, ui32OutPipe, &sSCSICmd, pui8Data,
    //! This function issues a SCSI Test Unit Ready command to a device.
    //! \param ui32InPipe is the USB IN pipe to use for this command.
    //! \param ui32OutPipe is the USB OUT pipe to use for this command.
    //! This function is used to issue a SCSI Test Unit Ready command to a device.
    //! This call will simply return the results of issuing this command.
    //! \return This function returns the results of the SCSI Test Unit Ready
    //! command.  The value will be either \b SCSI_CMD_STATUS_PASS or
    USBHSCSITestUnitReady(uint32_t ui32InPipe, uint32_t ui32OutPipe)
        tMSCCBW sSCSICmd;
        uint32_t ui32Size;
        usb32_t *pui32Data;
        // Create a local 32-bit pointer to the command.
        pui32Data = (usb32_t *)sSCSICmd.CBWCB;
        // No data in this command.
        ui32Size = 0;
        // This is an IN request.
        sSCSICmd.bmCBWFlags = CBWFLAGS_DIR_IN;
        // Only handle LUN 0.
        sSCSICmd.bCBWLUN = 0;
        // Set the size of the command data.
        sSCSICmd.bCBWCBLength = 6;
        // Set the parameter options.
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[0]), SCSI_TEST_UNIT_READY);
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[1]), 0);
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[2]), 0);
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[3]), 0);
        // Send the command and get the results.
        return(USBHSCSISendCommand(ui32InPipe, ui32OutPipe, &sSCSICmd, 0,
    //! This function issues a SCSI Request Sense command to a device.
    //! \param ui32InPipe is the USB IN pipe to use for this command.
    //! \param ui32OutPipe is the USB OUT pipe to use for this command.
    //! \param pui8Data is the data buffer to return the results into.
    //! \param pui32Size is the size of the buffer on entry and number of bytes
    //! read on exit.
    //! This function is used to issue a SCSI Request Sense command to a device.
    //! It will return the data in the buffer pointed to by \e pui8Data.  The
    //! parameter \e pui32Size should have the allocation size in bytes of the
    //! buffer pointed to by \e pui8Data.
    //! \return This function returns the results of the SCSI Request Sense
    //! command.  The value will be either \b SCSI_CMD_STATUS_PASS or
    USBHSCSIRequestSense(uint32_t ui32InPipe, uint32_t ui32OutPipe,
                         uint8_t *pui8Data, uint32_t *pui32Size)
        tMSCCBW sSCSICmd;
        usb32_t *pui32Data;
        // Create a local 32-bit pointer to the command.
        pui32Data = (usb32_t *)sSCSICmd.CBWCB;
        // This is an IN request.
        sSCSICmd.bmCBWFlags = CBWFLAGS_DIR_IN;
        // Only handle LUN 0.
        sSCSICmd.bCBWLUN = 0;
        // Set the size of the command data.
        sSCSICmd.bCBWCBLength = 12;
        // Set the parameter options.
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[0]), SCSI_REQUEST_SENSE);
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[1]), 18);
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[2]), 0);
        writeusb32_t(&(pui32Data[3]), 0);
        // Send the command and get the results.
        return(USBHSCSISendCommand(ui32InPipe, ui32OutPipe, &sSCSICmd, pui8Data,
    //! This function issues a SCSI Read(10) command to a device.
    //! \param ui32InPipe is the USB IN pipe to use for this command.
    //! \param ui32OutPipe is the USB OUT pipe to use for this command.
    //! \param ui32LBA is the logical block address to read.
    //! \param pui8Data is the data buffer to return the data.
    //! \param pui32Size is the size of the buffer on entry and number of bytes
    //! read on exit.
    //! \param ui32NumBlocks is the number of contiguous blocks to read from the
    //! device.
    //! This function is used to issue a SCSI Read(10) command to a device.  The
    //! \e ui32LBA parameter specifies the logical block address to read from the
    //! device.  The data from this block will be returned in the buffer pointed to
    //! by \e pui8Data.  The parameter \e pui32Size should indicate enough space to
    //! hold a full block size, or only the first \e pui32Size bytes of the LBA are
    //! returned.
    //! \return This function returns the results of the SCSI Read(10) command.
    //! The value will be either \b SCSI_CMD_STATUS_PASS or
    USBHSCSIRead10(uint32_t ui32InPipe, uint32_t ui32OutPipe,
                   uint32_t ui32LBA, uint8_t *pui8Data,
                   uint32_t *pui32Size, uint32_t ui32NumBlocks)
        tMSCCBW sSCSICmd;
        // This is an IN request.
        sSCSICmd.bmCBWFlags = CBWFLAGS_DIR_IN;
        // Only handle LUN 0.
        sSCSICmd.bCBWLUN = 0;
        // Set the size of the command data.
        sSCSICmd.bCBWCBLength = 10;
        // Set the parameter options.
        sSCSICmd.CBWCB[0] = SCSI_READ_10;
        // Clear the reserved field.
        sSCSICmd.CBWCB[1] = 0;
        // LBA starts at offset 2.
        // Extra bit masking added for C28x. USBEndpointDataPut() eventually
        // drops the upper 8 bits of the "byte", but for ease of debugging
        // it's better to drop them here.
        sSCSICmd.CBWCB[2] = (uint8_t)((ui32LBA >> 24) & 0xFF);
        sSCSICmd.CBWCB[3] = (uint8_t)((ui32LBA >> 16) & 0xFF);
        sSCSICmd.CBWCB[4] = (uint8_t)((ui32LBA >> 8) & 0xFF);
        sSCSICmd.CBWCB[5] = (uint8_t)(ui32LBA & 0xFF);
        // Clear the reserved field.
        sSCSICmd.CBWCB[6] = 0;
        // Transfer length in blocks starts at offset 2.
        // This also sets the Control value to 0 at offset 9.
        sSCSICmd.CBWCB[7] = (ui32NumBlocks & 0xFF00) >> 8;
        *((uint32_t *)&sSCSICmd.CBWCB[8]) = (ui32NumBlocks & 0xFF);
        *((uint32_t *)&sSCSICmd.CBWCB[12]) = 0;
        // Send the command and get the results.
        return(USBHSCSISendCommand(ui32InPipe, ui32OutPipe, &sSCSICmd, pui8Data,
    //! This function issues a SCSI Write(10) command to a device.
    //! This function is used to issue a SCSI Write(10) command to a device.  The
    //! \e ui32LBA parameter specifies the logical block address on the device.
    //! The data to write to this block should be in the buffer pointed to by
    //! \e pui8Data parameter.  The parameter \e pui32Size should indicate the
    //! amount of data to write to the specified LBA.
    //! \param ui32InPipe is the USB IN pipe to use for this command.
    //! \param ui32OutPipe is the USB OUT pipe to use for this command.
    //! \param ui32LBA is the logical block address to read.
    //! \param pui8Data is the data buffer to write out.
    //! \param pui32Size is the size of the buffer.
    //! \param ui32NumBlocks is the number of contiguous blocks to write to the
    //! device.
    //! \return This function returns the results of the SCSI Write(10) command.
    //! The value will be either \b SCSI_CMD_STATUS_PASS or
    USBHSCSIWrite10(uint32_t ui32InPipe, uint32_t ui32OutPipe,
                    uint32_t ui32LBA, uint8_t *pui8Data,
                    uint32_t *pui32Size, uint32_t ui32NumBlocks)
        tMSCCBW sSCSICmd;
        uint32_t *pui32Data;
        // Create a local 32-bit pointer to the command.
        pui32Data = (uint32_t *)sSCSICmd.CBWCB;
        // This is an IN request.
        sSCSICmd.bmCBWFlags = CBWFLAGS_DIR_OUT;
        // Only handle LUN 0.
        sSCSICmd.bCBWLUN = 0;
        // Set the size of the command data.
        sSCSICmd.bCBWCBLength = 10;
        // Set the parameter options.
        sSCSICmd.CBWCB[0] = SCSI_WRITE_10;
        // Clear the reserved field.
        sSCSICmd.CBWCB[1] = 0;
        // LBA starts at offset 2.
        // Extra bit masking added for C28x. USBEndpointDataPut() eventually
        // drops the upper 8 bits of the "byte", but for ease of debugging
        // it's better to drop them here.
        sSCSICmd.CBWCB[2] = (uint8_t)((ui32LBA >> 24) & 0xFF);
        sSCSICmd.CBWCB[3] = (uint8_t)((ui32LBA >> 16) & 0xFF);
        sSCSICmd.CBWCB[4] = (uint8_t)((ui32LBA >> 8) & 0xFF);
        sSCSICmd.CBWCB[5] = (uint8_t)(ui32LBA & 0xFF);
        // Clear the reserved field.
        sSCSICmd.CBWCB[6] = 0;
        // Set the transfer length in blocks.
        // This also sets the Control value to 0 at offset 9.
        sSCSICmd.CBWCB[7] = (ui32NumBlocks & 0xFF00) >> 8;
        // The blocks go into byte offset 8 or word address 4 (on C28x).
        // Fixed 12-19-2014: Was using 32-bit offset 2 and overwriting the LBA.
        *((uint32_t *)&sSCSICmd.CBWCB[8]) = (ui32NumBlocks & 0xFF);
        // The blocks go into byte offset 12 or word address 6 (on C28x).
        // Fixed 12-19-2014: Was using 32-bit offset 2 and overwriting the LBA.
        *((uint32_t *)&sSCSICmd.CBWCB[12]) = 0;
        // Send the command and get the results.
        return(USBHSCSISendCommand(ui32InPipe, ui32OutPipe, &sSCSICmd, pui8Data,
    // Close the Doxygen group.
    //! @}

  • Adam,

    Thanks for answer!

    I understand that I have to replace the orginal files with that you send?

    I did it, but file is still empty. File system functions are returning FR_OK.

    I tried to write some data to a file before using it with fatfs. Now f_write  is returning FR_OK, f_close (exactly disk_write) causes jump to ILLEGAL_ISR.

    I wonder if my code is fine. Did you look at it?

  • Hi,
    I still have a poblem with f_write function.
    I updated both CCS and controlSuite. CSS version is 6.1.0, controlSuite version is 3.3.1 .
    Is USB library bug fixed in my version of controlSuite?
    Can you post me working example of writing to file on sd card?
    Thanks for answers.
  • Jakub,

    The latest version of the F28377 device support files (140) has not been updated. I've sent a message to our software applications team to make sure these bugs are fixed in the next release. In the meantime, please use the updated files I posted.

    I'll try to get your code to work. Please give me a few days.
