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DRV8301-HC-EVM F2802xx


We have the following setup:
The drv8301 board with f2802 piccolo control card and the blackhawk xds100v2 ARM controller.
We are trying to configure via the code composer and getting the following error message while testing conncection:


Execute the command:

%ccs_base%/common/uscif/dbgjtag.exe -f %boarddatafile% -rv -o -F inform,logfile=yes -S pathlength -S integrity


-----[Print the reset-command software log-file]-----------------------------

This utility has selected a 100- or 510-class product.
This utility will load the adapter 'jioserdesusb.dll'.

An error occurred while soft opening the controller.

-----[An error has occurred and this utility has aborted]--------------------

This error is generated by TI's USCIF driver or utilities.

The value is '-151' (0xffffff69).
The title is 'SC_ERR_POD_OPEN'.

The explanation is:
This utility failed to open the adapter for a custom emulator.
The adapter returned an error.


the DRV8301 is powered.

ii'll note that the XDS is installed and connected properly, and used this exact board with INSTASPIN BLDC cc2803x control card and it worked fine.

any ideas as to what can be the problem?


seems like my 14-pin JTAG connector is missing a pin. should it be like that or is it broken?



  • it looks to me like a SW driver issue for the emulator. But if a pin is missing on the header of the DRV8301 that certainly could also be an issue.

    I will also note that if using the TMDSCNCD28027 (or 27F) with the DRV8301 EVM you need to fix the enable signal that goes to the DRV8301 device from the controlCARD slot

    Special notes for using controlCARDs with this motor drive board
    o When using TMDSCNCD28027F
     Connect pin 2 of J12 (GPIO-29) to pin 6 of J5 (EN_GATE).
     Note, for all MotorWare versions up to _11 this was pin1 of J11. Changed in _12 due to pin conflict.

    this is from page 8 of the document here
  • Hi Nadav,

    Check your JTAG connection and verify the same with the board schematics. Also, are both the controlcards compatible (pin to pin) with the board?

  • I think the JTAG connection is ok and the controlcards are compatible.
    I have the controlsuite and trying to download the motorware program for help. Anyway for some reason it doesn't allow me to download it from ti website.
    Is there a way to download it otherwise? (the support mail are not responding to questions).
    Or maybe there is a user guide for this process elsewhere?

    Thanks alot.

  • MotorWare download is working fine for me. Did you fill in the export control information?

    did you check the switch settings on the controlCARD?
    Switch Configuration for use with DRV8312, DRV8301, TMDSHVMTRINSPIN Kits:
    SW2: DOWN-UP
    SW3: UP-DOWN
    SW4: DOWN-UP
  • I've tried filling the export control info several times, with no success, and the support there was not responsive at all.

    the switch setting on the control card are as you wrote, and still i get the same "no pwr error" when i try to test the connection via CCS.

    before we try to replace the JTAG emulator, we want to try working with the MOTORWARE and try to solve it (maybe with guides or other resources).

    I'm unable to progress with it for quite some time now, any help with getting MOTORWARE or/and other solutions you can provide would be most appreciated.

  • Nadav Gertz said:
    I've tried filling the export control info several times, with no success, and the support there was not responsive at all.

    What happens?  Does it even seem like it processes?  We are getting no reports across TI of any issues with our SW license / download system so it is highly likely to be coming from your side or your browser settings.  There is no way around this, you must process through the export control to receive this software.

    I don't know what else to try. Perhaps the card is damaged and you should try another.

  • Hi,
    Got motorware now. thanks.
    Iv'e checked that the Switch Configuration is as you said (also checked its the same as in the guide).
    Also connected pin 2 of J12 to pin 6 of J5.
    And still getting the same error:

    "-----[An error has occurred and this utility has aborted]--------------------

    This error is generated by TI's USCIF driver or utilities.

    The value is '-180' (0xffffff4c).
    The title is 'SC_ERR_CTL_NO_TRG_POWER'.

    The explanation is:
    The controller has detected a target power loss.
    The user must turn-on or connect the power supply for the target.


    Is there anything else you think I should try?