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DBREDHR not working in 28377D

Hi all,

I am using 28377D controller. I have configured dead band in half clocking mode. I got fine frequency but when i trying to use HR dead band on rising edge it is not working properly. Means that there is no effect on dead band. what should i do?

So, because of dead band i can not maintain same duty on ePWM1A and ePWM2A. I need to control a H-bridge of MOSFET.

  • Hi,

    Please make sure that register HRCNFG2 and HRCNFG (EALLOW protected registers) are correctly configured for HRPWM and HRDB operation. You can check the register values in the expressions/register window inside CCS debug view.

    If the values seem correct, please share them here.

    Thank you,


  • Thanks for reply.

    i will check as per your suggestion. And let you know about that.

    Another issue is that i can not put breakpoint in my software even i had not used 2 h/w breakpoint.
    i can watch value of all register on watch window & also pause and resume debugging session.