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PLC development kit example project


I've been handed 2 modems from the TMDSPCKIT-V3 and I'm trying to run the PHY example project described in the appendix of several of the user guides. I am using CCS-v6 and managed to load the project code onto both modems (I know because the kit LEDs flashed to just green after debugging), however after tuning both kits on and off they do not continue to flash as the guide describes. 

I've been using the PRIME_DDK_PackageV7910 phy_example_project file and I'm aware that this is out of date.

Could someone please link me to the the latest software package that includes the user guide and project code for the plc kit example test project? 

Also I can no longer use the GUI. It says no plc kits found when I try to connect. Could somebody please tell me how to reset the kits to make the GUI work again?

Many thanks!