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open loop bode plot for TMDSHV1PHINVKIT

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: POWERSUITE


Does anyone have open loop bode plot of HV_DC_AC inverter? I cannot find it in the user manual. I'm trying to use another controller (PI OR PR). So if you have any reference about this, please let me know. Thanks!

I've used powersuite to plot the open loop bode diagram of single phase DC-AC inverter. I put the same parameter in it, but the plot is different from the one I plot using Matlab. See the red line in Fig.1 and blue line in Fig.2. That's the transfer function without current controller. The crossover frequency and phase angle are different.




Jiao Jiao

  • Jiao,

    Fig 25 shows OL for the inner current loop, it can also be initiated from the solution adapter page when compensation is initiated for the current loop tuning.

    Fig 30 shows the OL for the voltage loop, taking into account the plant and the inner current loop compensation, you initiate this from the solution adapter when the compensation designer is launched with the voltage loop option.