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Create a Binary

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MOTORWARE, CCSTUDIO, TMS320F28069M

Going through the Instaspin GUI quick start guide, and I have been asked to; "create a binary from any motorware project using ccstudio"

How do I do this?

What is a binary in this instance?

Thank you

  • Morikeh,
    Will you please stop making duplicate threads on the same topic on multiple boards? 8 threads on the same topic isn't necessary and won't get you any additional help.
  • it is explained to import a MotorWare project, update the user.h per the Lab Guide, and compile into a .out binary. You then copy the proj_lab##.out from the MotorWare directory into the GUI Composer directory and rename to appProgram.out
  • I have done this and was able to run the motor from the GUI!
    However, Lab_project_01 for example; tells me to debug the project from CCS.
    The debugging process is still failing to load the .out file.

    C28xx: Error occurred during flash operation: Unable to read algorithm file "C:\ti\ccsv6\ccs_base\DebugServer\bin\..\..\c2000\flashAlgorithms\FlashAPIInterface2802xV2_00.out"
    C28xx: Error occurred during flash operation: Unable to read algorithm file "C:\ti\ccsv6\ccs_base\DebugServer\bin\..\..\c2000\flashAlgorithms\FlashAPIInterface2802xV2_00.out"
    C28xx: Flash Programmer: Error encountered when writing to flash memory
    C28xx: File Loader: Memory write failed: Unknown error
    C28xx: GEL: File: C:\ti\motorware\motorware_1_01_00_15\sw\solutions\instaspin_foc\boards\boostxldrv8301_revB\f28x\f2802xF\projects\ccs5\proj_lab01\Flash\proj_lab01.out: Load failed.

    Also, another potentially unrelated problem.

    I am trying to run the; TMS320F28069M controlCARD with the DRV8312EVM RevD inverter board and Nema 17 BLDC motor, in the Universal GUI on the same operating system with which I am running the Launchpad. Unfortunately this GUI is not opening correctly/failing for the F28069M controller! I read a thread about this problem the other day. In this thread, Trey German said to use the universal version of the GUI, as the two GUI's - the Universal_F and the FOC - "do not play well together". I haven't had much success since and all the resources I have are directing me back to the FOC - which will then disable the Universal version, on my system at least. I tried to replicate the same procedure as I did for the Launchpad, but all the relevant Lab_Projects failed to build, so I could not create the .out file to copy into the correct folder.

    I must note; the visual-cue for the executable in the folder of the Universal GUI for the F280269M is not shown in the same vain as that for the F28027F, hence I am not surprised it doesn't work... if you understand what I saying!

    Any Ideas?

    Thank You
  • you can't have the UNIVERSAL GUI and the FOC & MOTION GUIS installed at the same time. Only the most recently installed will work together. Yes, it's a pain that I wish we could fix, but we can't.

    I can't diagnose why your projects aren't building correct. We test all projects to build and they are all working fine for us.
  • Do you have any idea why the projects for the Launchpad will not load onto the board for debugging?
  • with CCStudio?

    Just looking at the error my first thought is that your CCS installation may not be complete. looks like it is having trouble with the flash programming portion.

    I would uninstall / reinstall CCS v6

    if still having issues I would ask on the CCS Forum