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Question on the functions of the C28x Floating Point Unit DSP Library


I have to do some processing that are mainly: matrix operations of complex numbers in floating point format.

So I need very often to multiply 2 matrix.

I understood that the provided library provides "vectors" API. So to manage matrix we just need to call several time some "vectors" API.

I do not have any problem with that.

However, to do the multiplication by vectors, I need always an API such as:

Multiply-and-Accumulate of a Complex Vector (Single Precision Float
and a Complex Vector (Single Precision Float)

but there is only the following one:

Multiply-and-Accumulate of a Real Vector (Signed 16-bit Integer)
and a Complex Vector (Single Precision Float)


I would like to know if I missed something ?

One solution that I saw is to first call the function mpy_SP_CVxCV and then do the sum of the vector elements. But this sum does not exist (even if of course I can do it manually in C with a loop) or do I have top call: mac_SP_i16RVxCV with i16RV = (1, 1, .., 1) ?

I have the version v3.3.8 of this library.

Do you plan to deliver the functions that I indicated or you recommend to me to use an alternative solution?

Thanks and bets regards,


  • Hi Mathieu,

    What you are looking for is a mac_SP_CVxCV which we haven't implemented yet. I have put in a "requirement" request to add this and mac_SP_CVxCVC for the next realease. 

    If you give me about a week i will post the routine in reply to this post. 

  • Hi Vishal,

    Thanks a lot for your answer.

    I will really appreciate if you can provide in advance in the post a first version of this routine. In addition, later if you can also include it in the next version it would be perfect!

    Thanks again.


  • Mathieu,

    Here is a preliminary version of the routine.mac_SP_CVxCV.asm

    Add the following prototype to fpu_vector.h

    //! \brief Multiply-and-Accumulate of a Complex Vector and a Complex Vector.
    //! This module multiplies and accumulates a complex vector and another
    //! complex vector.
    //! \f[y_{re} &=& \sum(w_{re}[i]* x_{re}[i] - w_{im}[i] * x_{im}[i]) \f]
    //! \f[y_{im} &=& \sum(w_{re}[i]* x_{im}[i] + w_{im}[i] * x_{re}[i]) \f]
    //! \param y complex result
    //! \param w pointer to the first complex input vector
    //! \param x pointer to the second complex input vector
    //! \param N length of the w and x vectors
    //! \attention N must be a minimum of 3
    extern complex_float mac_SP_CVxCV(const complex_float *w,
                             const complex_float *x, const uint16_t N);

    It will be a while till the next release as it is a major one so i expect this may not be the final version of the routine, although i dont really see further room to optimize it--- but someone else might. Anyway, let me know if this works or if there are issues with it.

  • Thanks a lot Vishal for this function provided in advance. I really appreciated!
    I tested it and it seems to work fine.
    In addition it saves numerous CPU cycles. It looks like that the Number of Cycles = 6*N + constant
    Do you confirm that the latest version for FPU DSP Software Library is: V1.50.00.00: Moderate Update ?
    Thanks and best regards,
  • Mathieu, Yes the last released version of the FPU library was