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tms320f28335 driver and target content

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F28335, CONTROLSUITE

hi everyone,

Im new in tms320f28335 dsp and ı have spectrum development board

ım using windows 8 but ı dont know where ı have to start

ı dont have driver and target content please help me  send links for target content and driver

and  first blink led from setup development enviroment to led blink

  • Hi,

    Welcome to the C2000 series of devices!

    I would recommend taking a look at the one/three day workshops for this device.  These should provide a good starting point.
    The following wiki page may also be helpful:

    Also, I would recommend installing controlSUITE.  Inside you can find a large number of tools/software/documentation that can be used to help you use the F28335 device.  Inside controlSUITE, you'll find an LED blink project at the below:

    Good luck on your project!

    Thank you,

  • thank you brett for your reply 

    my problem actually is that ı have ccs v6 and controlsuite in my pc 

    when ı plug the tms320f28335 board to the pc using usb cable 

    pc (windows 8 os.) see the board but when ı go to ccs v6  nothing is happining 

    Can you explain me how can ı run blingking program (it is in workspace) on my tms320f28335 board

    and which persperctive for ccsv6 for running program

  • Hello Emre,

    If the "Example_2833xLEDBlink" is in the Project Explorer then you should be able to build and debug the project.  

    In the CCS Edit perspective right-click on the project name in the Project Explorer and select "Rebuild Project."  There should be no errors.

    Once the project builds successfully, make sure the device is connected to your computer and click Debug (located on the main toolbar below the task bar).  This will connect to the device and upload the .out file to the device.  It will also switch to the CCS Debug perspective.

    Once the program has been successfully uploaded to the device you will see that the device is in stand-by.  Click "Resume" to run the program.

    Let me know if you need more information or if something does not work correctly!

    Kind regards, 

    Billy Stevers

  • hi billy,
    ım doing everything you say but ı have a error like this

    Error connecting to the target:
    (Error -600 @ 0x0)
    A required dynamic library could not be located.
    The library isn't on the search path.
    (Emulation package

    and which usb debugg probe sould ı use(ı select texas insturement XDS100V1 USB Debug PROBE_0) ? can you explain it ?
  • Emre,

    Usually an error like this has to do with the Project Properties. Is this where you selected the connection type?

    You should be using the "Texas Instruments XDS100v2 USB Debug Probe." You can check that this is correct by having the device connected to your computer and selecting this probe and clicking "Verify..." A small test will run and at the bottom of the pop-up you should see something about passing. Of course you can also just make the change and see if the Debug process works.

    Kind regards,

    Billy Stevers
  • Emre,

    Was your issue successfully resolved?

    Kind regards,

    Billy Stevers

  • ı solved the problem with sellecting Diital DSk EVM-ezdsp onboard USB Emulator connection type

    thaks for your help

     billy how can ı learn dsp programming ?

    Can you advise me any other tutorial,book,metarial?