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CCS/TMS320F28032: Assembly Symbols

Part Number: TMS320F28032

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


What do the symbols in assembly (@, #,*) mean?

How do you handle pointers and values in C28x Assembly??


SXM; Turn sign extension mode on
MOV ACC,@VarA << #10 ; Load ACC with VarA left shifted by 10
ADD ACC,@VarB << #6 ; Add VarB left shifted by 6 to ACC

XAR1,#VarA ; Initialize XAR1 pointer with address of VarA
MOVL XAR2,*XAR1; Load XAR2 with contents of VarA
ADDB XAR2,#10h; XAR2 = VarA + 0x10