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Error Programming ADS1192ecg-fe using code composer studio

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1192ECG-FE, ADS1192

Hi there,

I am trying to program the ADS1192ecg-fe using the code composer studio instead of using ADS1x9xEVM, but when i try to debug a simple blink test, i get error as "Error initializing emulator: No USB FET was found"

I think I am doing some mistakes in configuration setting. 

Basically i want to read some EMG signal using the ADS1192ecg-fe, any idea if it is possible to read EMG using ADS1x9xEVM..? 

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.






  • Hi Anurag,

    I quickly checked the schematics of the ADS1192 Demonstration Kit (ADS1192ECG-FE), and found out there is no on-board emulator in this board. Which means you are not able connect directly with Code Composer Studio (CCS) to this board. Instead you would need USB-FET ( which you would connect to the JTAG/SBW of the MSP on the board. However P4 (where SBW is routed) seems not to be populated by default on the boards, so you would first need to assembly (solder) this to your board.

    ADS1x9xEVM SW is implementing the FW/SW upgrade via USB FW update procedure instead of normal emulation based update.



  • This error indicates some sort of problem between PC and the JTAG interface (FET).
    The USB connector of the board is for data exchange only. For programming the MSP on the board, you need a separate JTAG interface (FET). Which is a separate device.
    See the block schematics in the users guide, it has a separate connector for JTAG.

    Programming (but not debugging) is possible through USB by using the built-in bootstrap loader (BSL). However, this requires a pushbutton on the processor USB pins, so on power-up, the MSP is put into BSL mode, accepting a firmware upload through a separate program (e.g. BSL-Scripter).