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I want to calculate the execution time in milliseconds of a code. what I wrote needs time.h, is there another way to do it without time.h:
clock_t start, end;
printf("execution time in milliseconds:%f\n", (end-start)/(double)clocks_PERS_SEC);
thanks a lot
Hi Mir,
there is an other way: just start your timer/counter, execute code and stop it again. That's it, that's all. I give you an example for the MSP430FRAM, using Timer_B registers.
/* ********* Timer_B Init (can also be done by Grace tool) *********************** */
TB0EX0 = 0x7;
TB0CTL = CNTL_0 + TBSSEL_1 + ID_3 + MC_2 + TBIE;
/* *********** in your main ***************** */
TB0CTL &= ~(0x0030); //stop counter
TB0R = 0; //set counter 0
TB0CTL |= MC_2; //start counter
/* ************ your code to be measured **************** */
TB0CTL &= ~(0x0030); //stop counter
Counter_B0_value = *(unsigned int *)0x03D0; //write counter value to variable
/* ******** end example ********* */
Do the Math:
time = Counter_B0_value * 1/(frequency) * prescaler
Be sure that you mind ALL prescaler! e.g. ACLK, Timer Input divider, TB0EX0, etc...
You can turn on a digital output when your code start and turn it off at the end. The time can be measured with an oscilloscope.
Best regards,
Well, one really shuldn't start developing on a microcontroller without a scope. That's almost as programming a PC wihtout having a screen. Almost. :)Mir Dali said:actually and don't have an oscilloscope
The problem is: teh MSP doesn't know about time. It only know clock cycles. You can count clock cycles, but you don't know how long a clock cycle is.
YOu ma yuse a quartz crystal and derive the MCU clockcycles from it, then you know how long a clock cycle is and can multiply it with the amount of clock cycles passed.
For counting clock cycles (up to 65535) you can use a timer, as suggested.
For a microcontroller, time really is relative.
Well, Saw and drill are there, but the carpenter's rule is missing.Andy Neil said:It's like taking up carpentry without a saw!
Well, I like this picture. Fits better than mine with the PC.
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