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DRV2700: Large output ripple and noise when driving a piezo actuator

Part Number: DRV2700

Good afternoon,

I'm using the dev board DRV2700EVM-HV500 to drive an actuator, Kemet AE0505D16DF, and working to design DRV2700 into a board for a new product of ours.  The actuator has 17um nominal displacement at 150V, so we're using the HV500 with external flyback circuit to get the full range of motion.  Unfortunately I'm seeing a lot of ripple and noise at the output.

1. ~7VPP "bursts" occurring at 530KHz with 7MHz ringing that aligns with the switching of transistor Q1

(see scope capture, OutputBursts.tif.  CH3 (purple) is output noise (AC), Ch2 (blue) is Q1 gate)

2. Larger 20-30VPP "glitches" occurring at 30-45 Hz intervals

(see scope captures, OutputGlitches.tif and OutputGlitchesZoomed.tif.  CH1 (yellow) is DC output, CH3 (purple) is output noise (AC), Ch2 (blue) is Q1 gate)

I have a DC input connected to TP1 on DRV2700EVM-HV500 and vary from 0 to 3.3V.  Switches are set to Up/Up, and I manually avoid running the piezo above its limit of 150V.  My goal is to have minimal ripple at the output, with 2 piezos (and 2 DRV2700s) driving x/y angular adjustments to a mirror in a closed loop at up to 5KHz frequencies (i.e., small adjustments are made to the essentially DC input 5000 times per second).

The actuator I'm using has 1.4uF according to the datasheet.  I've found that using a similar part with smaller cross-sectional area (AE0203D16DF) has 0.35uF capacitance and does not exhibit "glitches", but still has "bursts".  So I gather that load capacitance is causing the worst of these oscillations.

How would you recommend tuning this circuit to minimize output oscillations and ripple?  Decrease load caps C5 and C6 (DNP)?  Increase/decrease feedback caps C18, C19, C21?  I'd like to get the full 17um displacement from this actuator by going up to 150V, but I've also considered the DRV2700EVM configuration that does not include the flyback circuit but is limited to 105V.  Would you expect that circuit, which does not have a transistor Q1, would not exhibit these problems?

Thank you very much for any feedback at all.  I'm excited you have this part that looks to be just what I need, if I can only get the oscillations under control.



  • Hi, Andy,

    Welcome to E2E and thank you for your interest in our products!

    We will take a look at this and will answer as soon as possible.

    Best regards,
    Luis Fernando Rodríguez S.

  • Hi, Andy,

    I found a similar issue in this E2E thread:

    Could you try increasing the output capacitance? It must help to reduce the voltage ripple as stated in page 25 note.

    Please let me know if you have additional observations on this.

    Best regards,
    Luis Fernando Rodríguez S.

  • Andy,

    Do you have a feedback on this?

    Best regards,
    Luis Fernando Rodríguez S.

  • Andy,

    I will close this thread for now. But please feel free to add any additional information or feedback in this E2E thread.

    Best regards,
    Luis Fernando Rodríguez S.

  • Hi Luis,

    Thank you kindly for the fast reply, and sorry I've been out.

    I tried adding 0.47uF across the load and it made a huge difference -- the 20-30VPP "glitches" have been largely eliminated:

    CH1 (yellow) is DC output, CH2 (blue) is input. 

    However there is still some "burst" noise at ~40VDC output that I am trying to clean up.

    As you can see below, I am getting this 3VPP noise at 40VDC output:

    CH1 (yellow) is DC output, CH3 (purple) is AC noise at the output. 

    In the 40ms view at the top you can see that I am getting 2-3VPP triangle wave output at about 25Hz,

    and as you can see below it again aligns with the transistor in the flyback network:

    CH1 (yellow) is DC output, CH2 (blue) is Q1 gate, CH3 (purple) is AC output noise.

    I've experimented with a range of cap values at the output.  How can I further reduce the output noise?  Since the noise aligns with the transistor, will tuning the caps in the feedback network impact the output noise?

    Also, the DRV2700EVM does not include a transistor Q1 -- would I get better results by eliminating the flyback circuit and this transistor, though it is limited to 105V output?

    Thanks very much,


  • Hi, Andy,

    It's strange that you are still seeing these results after increasing the capacitance. Unfortunately, I wouldn't suggest to increase it more since it will reduce your output bandwidth as showed in the typical characteristics section of the datasheet.

    I agree with you to try with the DRV2700EVM. This issue should be related to the flyback circuit. Using the DRV2700EVM should provide you better results if the 105V output is not a limitation for you.

    Let me know if you have additional comments on this.

    Best regards,
    Luis Fernando Rodríguez S.

  • Hi Luis,

    I tried removing the piezo actuator form the circuit and connecting only the 0.47uF capacitor across the output of the DRV2700EVM-HV500 module, and I get exactly the same noise signature mentioned in my previous post.  So it seems that this behavior should be reproducible with no mods to the eval board, both switches set to HIGH, and a generic 0.47uF ceramic cap across the output.  Are you able to reproduce this behavior?  

    Because the 2VPP noise is at such a low frequency, 20-40Hz, it unfortunately is quite audible in our mechanical setup -- it vibrates the piezo and the mirror that is attached to it.  And 105V output only gives us 2/3 of the piezo displacement, which may be too little for our application.  But I will order a 105V eval board and test it as a troubleshooting step.

    I agree that using as little output capacitance as possible is best to avoid limiting bandwidth so I've ordered 0.1uF 500V caps that will arrive tomorrow to test.  Perhaps I can reduce the capacitance at the output and still eliminate the very large 30VPP spikes.

    Thank you,


  • Hi, Andy,

    I was able to reproduce this behavior and effectively I got large spikes of around 39Vpp with no load connected.

    I tested different capacitors at the output and they helped to reduce significantly the output spikes.

    Using a capacitor value of 10nF reduced the spikes to 9Vpp.

    Using a capacitor value of 1uF reduced the spikes to 1.2Vpp.

    Unfortunately, I couldn't test the EVM performance with the C6 capacitor connected (the EVM schematic suggests a 0.047uF, 630V, X7R capacitor). I don't have a capacitor with these characteristics (or similar). Do you have a capacitor like this? It could be useful to improve the signal performance of this EVM.

    I tested the EVM with no flyback connection and there are no spikes at the output. So, it could be an alternative.

    Please let me know if you have additional observations on this.

    Best regards,
    Luis Fernando Rodríguez S.

  • Hi Luis,

    Thanks very much for testing this. 

    I do have a 0.047uF cap and I soldered it to the C6 pads on my EVM-HV500 board.  It gets rid of the large 39Vpp spikes as you mentioned, but 1-2Vpp spikes remain, particularly at an output voltage of around 40VDC.  I think the performance is slightly better at 0.1uF cap across the output.  I also tried additional caps of 100pF, 1,000pF, and 10,000pF all in parallel and in addition to the 0.1uF cap with no apparent effect.  I am not seeing additional benefit from tweaking the output capacitance.

    Do you have any recommendations for adjusting feedback capacitance that may also have an impact, C13, C18, C19, C21?  I would expect these would affect the VGate node and lead to positive feedback if not tuned correctly.  

    Thank you,


  • Hi, Andy,

    Sorry for my late reply.

    I wouldn't recommend to modify these values since it may affect the performance of the device. Regarding the measurements and captures that you have made, are these from the differential output or just from OUT+ or OUT-? If the ripple still seen the differential signal? I mean, as mentioned in the datasheet, the ripple should be removed in differential mode.

    Best regards,
    Luis Fernando Rodríguez S.

  • Hi Luis,

    Can the flyback converter be configured for differential output?  The schematic for the DRV700EV-HV500 shows has 1 of the 2 pins on the output connector, J2, tied directly to GND, so I'm not sure how this would be connected for differential output.  If it can, please let me know how the circuit should be modified for differential output.

    Thank you,


  • Hi, Andy,

    I apologize for the confusion. I made a mistake. The flyback configuration doesn't have differential configuration.

    I think that the best option here would be to try and evaluate the non-flyback version. Definitely it will not reach high voltages like the flyback version, but it should be enough to evaluate voltages around 100V and the ripple won't be an issue.

    Best regards,
    Luis Fernando Rodríguez S.