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DRV110: impossible to regulate HOLD current in a solenoid valve driver

Part Number: DRV110


I'm setting up a circuit to drive a 220v AC  solenoid valve driver using the DRV110EVM

I configure EVM in the following way 

  • 220V AC connected to P2.1 P2.4
  • Solenoid rated 220v AC 3-6W ( 160ohm and 204mH) connected on P1.2 - P1.4
  • JP1, JP2, JP4 closed all the other open

I set the PWM frequency around 20Khz

than i regulate the  PEAK trimmer in the middle (1,41V Vpeak) and than I enable the DRV110

the solenoid valve toggle from closed (no power) to open in almost or range of the HOLD trimmer and the PWM duty cycle is very low and ranges from 5% to 7% turning the HOLD trimmer from max to min

Here a screenshot of the DRV 110 Vout signal and is the same for the various hold trimmer position

What is wrong in my setup?

How can I regulate the hold current / PWM duty cycle ?

sure of your support



  • Hi Davide,

    I have notified our expert regarding this topic. Please expect a response by 5/29/20.



  • HI 

    I'm stuck on this problem and need support to understand why I'm not able to regulate HOLD current

    just to add some  details on the solenoid I'm using I try to characterize the current using a 230-V AC, 50-Hz supply and measuring voltage across 2.2 ohm shunt resistor

    PEAK voltage is 3.56v

    so the peak current is around 0.8 A

    solenoid static measurements: 160ohm and 204mH

    what are the correct settings for limiting resistor Rs and shunt resistor Rsense ?

    Why  I can't regulate current with the EVAL board (duty always minimum 7-8%)



  • Hi Davide,

    Eval board Rs=1ohm, this will limit the max Ihold to 150mA. In hold mode the slew rate of the load current is fast due to high load supply.

    In this condition Vsense will reach the internal comparator threshold faster than the min PWM duty cycle.

    You can slow down Ihold slew rate by adding a series resistor to lower the voltage across solenoid inductance.

    If Ipeak needed is 0.8A, usually the hold current needed is 1/4 to 1/3 of the Ipeak: 0.2A to 0.25 A.

    My suggestion is to replace the 1ohm eval board Rsense with 0.5ohm( solder 1ohm in parallel.). With Rsense=0.5ohm you have a wider range of both Ipeak and Ihold for your application



  • Thanks Costin for clarification, very useful indeed

    few more questions just to be sure

    Costin Cazana said:

    Eval board Rs=1ohm, this will limit the max Ihold to 150mA. In hold mode the slew rate of the load current is fast due to high load supply.

    I guess You refer to Rsense not to Rs (limiting resistor for Vin) right ?

    I don't find in any application note /  design document a formula or indication on how to size the Rsense from the rated solenoid AC current / voltage

    if Rsense= 1ohm  limit to 150maA hold current means that the internal Vref threshold is 150mv ??

    In this condition Vsense will reach the internal comparator threshold faster than the min PWM duty cycle.

    You can slow down Ihold slew rate by adding a series resistor to lower the voltage across solenoid inductance

    OK I will try to add a resistor i series,  any suggested value  ??

    is any difference if I place on drain or source mosfet side ?

    If Ipeak needed is 0.8A, usually the hold current needed is 1/4 to 1/3 of the Ipeak: 0.2A to 0.25 A.

    My suggestion is to replace the 1ohm eval board Rsense with 0.5ohm( solder 1ohm in parallel.). With Rsense=0.5ohm you have a wider range of both Ipeak and Ihold for your application

    OK understood ...should I apply this modification together the previous one (add resistor in series) so both? or is an alternative?

    Thanks again for the support



  • Hi Davide,

    The application note for component selection is DRV1xx Device Parameter Selector


    The duty cycle first approximation equation
    -I is the steady state solenoid current
    -R is the solenoid resistance
    -V is solenoid DC voltage.
    Since Ipeak=0.8A and Rsolenoid=160ohm, the DC solenoid supply voltage should be >128V. That's also a voltage drop across Rsense and FET Rdson,
    150V is good enough. The limiting resistor should be placed between solenoid + diode point and the rectified DC voltage.
    Rlimit=( Vdc-Vsolenoid_target)/Ipeak
  • Hi Costin

    thanks for the additional clarification but I'm still in the fog

    I read several times data sheet and application notes but still don't understand how to size passive components for my application...for sure my limit and I kindly ask for your patience

    there is also some misunderstanding on the terminology maybe...let's make a summary

    here is the reference schema

    Rs = limiting resistor ==> is dimensioned to regulate Vin voltage to 15v

    the formula is the following

    so the value is totally independent from the the solenoid characteristics 

    In the EVAL board you can chose 200K or 300K 

    Rosc ==> define the PWM frequency, clear no doubt , simple formula, I select a value to have 20Kzh

    Ckeep ==> define the keep time, clear no doubt, value in the provided table

    Rhold Rkeep ==> control the hold and keep current , formulas are clear enouh and depends on the Ipeak and Ihold current 


    now let's go to not clear part

    Rsense ==> current that flows in the coil cause a voltage drop on Rsense  (Vsense) that is than compared with itnernal Vref and at each clock cycle. 

    The voltage at the output node (VOUT) becomes low when VSENSE ≥ VREF. The duty cycle (D) of the output voltage varies from 8% to 100%. In

    I don't find any rule / formula to size the Rsense, in previous answer you told me that 1 ohm is too much and Vsense too high for the slew rate of my solenoid so the PWM duty is always 7%

    any suggestion to size Rsense ?  I guess it depends on the Ihold current and Vref (??) but not clear to me how to calculate

    Rlimit ==> is not part of the schema I understand the suggestion to use it in order reduce the voltage across the solenoid

    Rlimit=( Vdc-Vsolenoid_target)/Ipeak

    Not clear to me how you define Vsolenoid_target

    The insertion point is the following ?

    and finally should I use both chenages: reduce Rsense to 0.5ohm AND insert Rlimit ?



  • Hi Davide,

    To calculate Rpeak and Ihold use DRV1xx Device Parameter Selector

    lets assume target Ipeak=0.8A and Ihold=0.2A and select Rsense =1ohm

    DRV110A Parameters Calculation (14-pin)
    T(KEEP) [ms] 100.000
    I(PEAK) [A] 0.800
    I(HOLD) [A] 0.200
    R(SENSE) [Ω] 1
    f(PWM) [kHz] 20.000
    R(OSC) [kΩ] 200.010
    R(PEAK) [kΩ] 75.004
    R(HOLD) [kΩ] 50.000
    C(KEEP) [μF] 1
    Rsens_min (Ipeak) [Ω] 0.038
    Rsens_max (Ipeak) [Ω] 1.125
    Rsens_min (Ihold) [Ω] 0.025
    Rsens_max (Ihold) [Ω]


    Rsense is red because it exceed the max Rsense during hold =0.75ohm ( 150mV/0.2A)

    After changing Resnse to 0.5ohm

    DRV110A Parameters Calculation (14-pin)
    T(KEEP) [ms] 100.000
    I(PEAK) [A] 0.800
    I(HOLD) [A] 0.200
    R(SENSE) [Ω] 0.5
    f(PWM) [kHz] 20.000
    R(OSC) [kΩ] 200.010
    R(PEAK) [kΩ] 150.008
    R(HOLD) [kΩ] 100.005
    C(KEEP) [μF] 1
    Rsens_min (Ipeak) [Ω] 0.038
    Rsens_max (Ipeak) [Ω] 1.125
    Rsens_min (Ihold) [Ω] 0.025
    Rsens_max (Ihold) [Ω]


    In this table you can input the desire Ipeak, Ihold, Fosc , Tkeep and Rsense to get the passive components values.

    You have the correct location for Rlimit

    Let's assume that's no Rlimit and and DC voltage is 250V

    During hold duty cycle will be D=0.2A*160ohm/250V=0.125(12%) . The average supply current is lower than Ihold due to PWM, duty cycle will be <12% close the min spec.

    The min solenoid voltage is set by Ipeak, should be greater than Ipeak*Rsolenoid >128V, Rlimit=( 250V-128V)/0.8A=150ohm

    During hold the solenoid voltage is Vdc-Isupply_hold*Rlimit=250-0.2A*150ohm=220V and duty cycle is ~15%

    This is a duty cycle  first order approximation  , solenoid inductor will also affect the duty cycle

