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Search Ultrasound develop Evaluation Board to qiuck design Medical Ultrasound Imaging Device

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE5808A, TX517, TX810

When TX-SDK-V1/NOPE and TX-SDK-V2/NOPE were discontinued by the manufacturer, that I can't find any alternative? 

I want to develop Ultrasound single/Multiple element pulser, that I need Ultrasound Transmit Pulser, Ultrasound Transmit/Received switch and Ultrasound Receive Analog Front End.

My application is medical ultrasound imaging device. The maximum frequency is 15 MHz or more, that we want to receive. And hope the pulser have Negative Impulse wave mode or sine pulsed wave mode.

BTW it's there more alternative or TX-SDK-V1 and TX-SDK-V2 will have the opportunity to restart manufacturing.

Might you please to Help me, Thanks.