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TMP006 Calibration Problem

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMP006, TMP007


We are having a project with TMP006 and having some difficulties in calibrating the sensors.  We have some questions:

1) Calibration calculation

As a recap, the followings are formulas from SBOU107
(1) S = S0 [ 1 + a1 (Tdie-Tref) + a2 (Tdie-Tref)^2 ]
(2) Vos = b0 + b1 (Tdie-Tref) + b2 (Tdie-Tref)^2
(3) fVobj = (Vobj-Vos) + C2 (Vobj-Vos)^2
(4) Tobj = ( Tdie^4 + fVobj / S )^0.25
(5) Calibration Function = fVobj / [ 1 + a1 (Tdie-Tref) + a2 (Tdie-Tref)^2 ]

[ 1 + a1 (Tdie-Tref) + a2 (Tdie-Tref)^2 ] is quite a mouthful, and is used in (1) and (5), so let's define
(kw1) fa = [ 1 + a1 (Tdie-Tref) + a2 (Tdie-Tref)^2 ]

(kw2) S = S0 * fa
(kw3) Calibration function = fVobj / fa
(kw4) Tobj = ( Tdie^4 + fVobj / (S0 * fa) )^0.25

Rearranging (kw4),
(kw5) S0 = fVobj / [ fa * (Tobj^4 - Tdie^4) ]

This means that in the perfect system, to resolve S0, we do not actually need more than one point; just substitute the measured temperature ("Trtd" from another forum thread), substitute it into Tobj in (kw5), and calculate S0 in one go.  If more than one point are measured, all of them should yield the identical S0.

In an imperfect system, if multiple data points are measured, they could yield different S0 (let's call them S0n).  To do the calibration, we can plot S0n over (Trtd^4 - Tdie^4), and find the best fit horizontal line and the vertical value becomes the calibrated S0, and this is pretty much equivalent to plotting Calibration Function over (Trtd^4 - Tdie^4) and finding the slope.

Is my understanding correct?

2) Plotting Calibration Function

From (kw3) and (kw5), it can be resolved that
(kw6) Calibration Function = S0 * (Tobj^4 - Tdie^4)

This should be why plotting the Calibration Function over (Trtd^4 - Tdie^4) and finding the slope would yield S0.

However, (kw6) also suggests that the fitted linear approximation should go through point (0,0).  This means that if the fitted line does not hit (0,0), the system is imperfect, and farther it misses (0,0), worse the system is.  Is this correct?

3) Would you provide a set of "good" sample values so we can make sure our calculation is correct?

Many Thanks,

  • Hi Kelvin,

    !) In response to your questions, the equations descibd in the TMP006 and TMP007 for calibration are designed to account for an imperfect world. Heat sources other than IR energy from the object will cause offsets and non-linearities in teh response. These background sources can be from other objects in the scene if the object does not completely fill the field of view, from air convection or from thermal conductance of nearby components. So yes, in general So is teh clope and should need only one point but in practice is almost never sufficient.

    2) yes, plotting this shuld yield a straght line vs object temperature at a constant die temperature.If the die temperature is chanigng then there may be an offset because it will change the thermal radiation exchange with the background.

     So if the line does not go through (0,0) that is OK, it just means that the object is not the only source of thermal energy. However, the should be a straight line,

    If you send an email to I will send some sample data.




  • Kelvin,
    I'm trying to get the sample data from Werner, but seems he is not longer with TI. Do you get have some sample data?
    If A1 and A2 coefficients are die dependent and constant for all TMP006, b0, b1, b2 and c2 are not. Is this correct?