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TMP006:How to avoid from Pollutant effects in industrial environment

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMP006

Hello all,

  In my application ,Tmp006 will be used in industrial environment,as we know ,there will be some pollutant such dust and so on. And if the pollutant attach to the surface of TMP006,the measurement may be mistake ,so is there any cases or ways to help me avoid it? Thank you!


Jeff liu

  • Hi Jeff,

    To minimize the effect of dust use an IR transparent window. This will keep the dust away from the surface of the device. Eventually, if the dust becomes thick enough it will affect the device operation. Depending on the amount of dust in the environment, it may be necessary to institute a periodic cleaning schedule of the window.

    For suppliers of windows see Fresnel Technologies, Edmunds OPtics, Newport Optics, and Shan Dong optics for IR transparent windows.




  • Hi Werner,

      But I think the dust also can attach to the IR transparent window. It may also effect the temperature measurement.Thanks all the same.

  • Hi Jeff,


    Yes, eventually dust will attach to the window. But you canclean the window with little chance of damaging the sensor; if someone tries to clean the sensor they will very likely damage the sensor.




  • Werner,

       Just wanted to chime in a little.  I have done experimets with fingerprints and dust.  fingerprints themselves caused no loss of signal.  Dust was a different story.  The dust reduced the signal and gave us an unsettled reading.  The more dust the less signal.  Also as you probably guess, the fingerprints had a tendancey to collect dust. 


