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TSC2004/2005/2006 x64-based driver

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TSC2004, TSC2006, TSC2003, TSC2100, TSC2007, TSC2008, TSC2005

Hi teams,

The TSC2004/2005/2007 drives seem could't be installed on the 64bits Windows 7 (Windows XP can work), do you have the same issues? Do we have the x64-based driver for the TSC controller?

 Thanks for your help!

Best Regards,



  • Scott,

    When TSC2004/6/7 EVM-PDKs were developed, the Win 7 OS had not released yet and thus they did not be validated on Win 7 system. Thanks for bringing this to our attentions!

    I will test and, if needed, repack and upload them into the corresponding folders at the site

    Best regards,
    Wendy F.

  • Hi Wendy,

    Thanks for your quickly reply! It will need to support on Win 7 for customer demo. Thanks~

    Best Regards,



  • Hi Scott,

    I just rebuilt and repacked the SW installer for TSC2004EVM-PDK and TSC2007EVM-PDK, which you can find and download from They are are called TSC200x EVM SW Installer  

    I do not have TSC2006EVM, thus could not to test the software, and therefore could not provide you the the W7 installer. Will order a TSC2006EVM and will upload the new installer soon!

    Best regards,
    Wendy F.

  • 5141.TSC2006EVM_vista&

    Hi Wendy,

    I am grateful to download the TSC2004/2007driver you support, and it works on x64-dased WIN 7! The TSC2006 drive I modified from your supply can also works! The attactments is the TSC2006 driver.

    The problem I occured is that the TSC2003/2005 GUI still can't work after installing the driver. The  TSC2003/2005 auxilliary data can display on the GUI , but on response on the touch grapth while touching the sensor. I can't tell it's caused by the driver issues or GUI issues. Do you have any ideas about this?

    Thanks for your support!

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Scott,

    Have you touch harder, or use nail, styles, credit card, or anything point to touch?  It is a resistive touch screen, hehe!

    Wendy F.

  • Hi Wendy,

    Yes! The same 5.6" sensor can worked on the TSC2004/2006/2007/2008/TSC2100 EVMs today. That's why I guess it may be another issues ( either the driver/GUI or others on x64-based WIN7 issues). I wondered if you have the same issues on TSC2003/2005 on x64-base WIN7?  



    Best Regards,




  • Hi Scott,

    Do you mean the touch is still not work, even though you can get the AUX and temp work?

    Attached is what I just got with the TSC2007 EVM-PDK. And thus I have no issue.

    Is it possible a problem with your connection between the touch pane and the EVM?

  • Hi Wendy,

    The TSC2004/TSC2006/TSC2007/TSC2008/TSC2100 EVMs can work normal today. But fail on the TSC2003/2005 with the same sensor~

    I will do experiments tomorrow, and snap the GUI screen on the forum for reference. 

    Thanks for your help!


    Best Wishes!




  • Hi Scott,

    OK, I  got you now! Sorry for my confusion ;-)!

    TSC2005EVM and EVM-PDK had been obsolete and you can use TSC2006EVM and EVM-PDK for evaluation TSC2005. Beside the package, TSC2006 are the same as the TSC2005.

    TSC2003 seems working on my Win7 PC, as showing with the attached. Comparing to other EVM-PDKs, there is some noise problem with X or Y = 0, which should be easily fixed with proper software changes.

    Please provide me the GUI screen and show me the issue tomorrow and thanks!

    With the best,
    Wendy F.

  • Hi Wendy,

    Thanks for your information about TSC2005~

    I re-install the TSC GUI again, and TSC2003EVM works normal now! Now TSC2003/2004/2006/2007/2008/2100 all can run on the WIN7 x64-base platform.


    Best Regards,


  • Hi Wendy,

    I downloaded TSC200x EVM SW Installer from, and installed it on my PC running Windows 7.

    I also installed the drivers.

    The installation ended without errors. But when I run the application I have this problem, as if there is no NI_VISA Runtime Support installed.

    I repeated the installation on another PC with the same result. 

    Any idea of the problem?

    Best regards



  • Hello Jakkma,

    Have the step-by-step instruction in README-INSTALL.txt (attached) been finished without any problem? If not, you may  still  fix it by going to Control Panel --> Device Manager, find the TSC2007EVM device, select Update Driver Software ... and then start from the step 8 to redirect your PC to the directory in your PC where the file TSC2007EVM.inf is stored.

    If there is still any problem, please have the set and your PC ready and call me at (214) 567 4838, and we can go through it by phone.

    Best regards,

    Wendy F.

  • Hi Wendy,

    I installed the software simulation program following the step-by-step instruction, and I had not any problem.

    I also installed the driver successfully.

    It's the simulation program that fails to work.

    I tried it on another system running Windows 7 32-bit, and on another one running Windows 7 64-bit. And I had the same result.

    I also tried the older Installer on a system running Windows XP.

    I downloaded NI_VISA Runtime Engine 5.0.3, and tried to install it, but nothing happened, because the component was found already installed (it is part of the evaluation software installation, isn't it?). 

    I always had the same result.

    I'd like to remark that the problem exists regardless of the driver installation.

    Any idea of what can be missing?

    Thank you for your time. 

    Best regards 

  • Hi Jakkma,

    NI_VISA Runtime Engine 5.0.3 should  already be included with the latest installer and thus I do not think it is a problem.

    The key here is to setup you PC to recognize the TSC2007EVM device. Still, go to the Device Manager in your PC to check if the TSC2007EVM device driver has been installed properly or not. If not or your PC recognized it as something else rather than "TSC2007EVM" (which is usually the case if you got such an error message when running TSC2007EVM-PDK SW), you have to force your PC into the correct directory with TSC2007*.inf, by closely following the instruction in the README_INSTALL.txt file.

    Please have your PC and the kit ready and call me if further help is needed!

    Wendy F.

  • Hi Wendy,

    it works now! The driver was installed, but not properly.

    Thank you!

    Best regards