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TPS53622: Remote voltage sense function

Part Number: TPS53622

If my chipset have voltage sense pin like VCCP_SENSE+/VCCP_SENSE-, I will design as below.

AVSP <--- resistor <--- VCCP_SENSE+

AVSN <--- resistor <--- VCCP_SENSE-

AVSP <--- resistor <--- VCCP(near chipset)

AVSN <--- resistor <--- GND(near chipset)

Can the TPS53622 sense voltage sense pin and power pin of the chipset in the same time?

  • Hi Tom,

    Typically the resistors connecting the SENSE+ and SENSE- lines to the feedback pins on the controller are 0Ω. The other two that go directly to VCCP and GND near the CPU will be on the order of 10Ω to 100Ω.

    With this setup the sense lines take priority and become the primary feedback for the controller so the CPU voltage is regulated to spec. The other two resistors connecting to VCCP and GND points near the chipset are called "catch resistors" and they become a backup form of feedback.

    A lot of time engineers want to power up a board for an initial validation without the CPU in place to make sure there are no issues with the power rail that could damage the processor. The extra two resistors allow for a closed feedback loop with or without the CPU in place.

    There's no issue with having both options on the board. Our part will function properly provided the ones the planes near the CPU have a small value resistors populated to avoid the two sense points fighting one another.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

