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TPS3808: Reset delay Vs Timing Capacitor

Part Number: TPS3808
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS3890

We are using TPS3808G33DBVR in our product. I have following question on the reset delay.

Per datasheet the reset delay can programmed using the capacitor connected to the Pin CT.

The delay can be calculated from the following formula given in page 11 of TPS3808 (Delay =(( CTin nf)/175)+0.5mSec.

We are using 180 nf capacitor in our design to have about 1 sec delay.

Based on the above formula, the typical delay is 1.02sec.

From the table 7.3 , delay is varies between 0.7 to 1.7sec for 180nF , which is ~±40%. 

Can you clarify , is the tolerance ±40% applicable for all the values of the capacitor? Or only those specified on the table 7.3?

Thanks & Regards
