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TLV61225: Tlv61225 voltage drops not enough current

Part Number: TLV61225
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2640, , TPS61070, TPS61099, TPS61220


I have made a design based on battery cell CR1632 3V to power CC2640 circuit with other comment. The design needs a voltage of 3V and maximum current of 50mA. I have created a circuit with tlv61225 (I used the same reference circuit proposed on datasheet)to power this board, but I can get working properly as I switch on to power this board the voltage drops from 3V to 1.8V which is not enough to power the board.

Is this circuit can draw 50mA with it at 3V? If not is there any other part that can be used with a coin cell battery to power a board with 3V -50mA or more relaxed 3V 100mA?

In the TI web site there is these circuit available TPS61070 and TPS61099, are they a good condidate for a coin cell?

Many thanks

Best regards,


  • Hi Mourad,

    could you help to measure the VIN and VOUT when you observed this issue? this could be caused by high impedance of the battery.

    also try to use a power supply instead of battery to verify the boost circuit

  • Hi Jasper,

    Thank you for your email.

    Just to add more details in my previous email, to let you know that I have changed the passives component of the reference circuit in the datasheet: replaced C1 and C2 to 100uF instead of 10uF and L1 to 6.8uH instead 4.7uH.

    Vin --> CH2 on graph

    Vout --> CH4 on graph 

    PSU:external power supply

    BAT:battery powered

    The circuit is working fine with external power supply, with battery based is works for  120 seconds after that the circuit starts to oscillate the voltage due to PWM and LED in my design.



  • Hi,

    Any update please regarding  my circuit with tlv61225?

    Is there anything to change to improve my design based on coin cell battery cr1632 to provide at output 3-3.V with 100-150mA?

    Many thanks



  • Hi Jasper,

    Any update please regarding  my circuit with tlv61225?

    Is there anything to change to improve my design based on coin cell battery cr1632 to provide at output 3-3.V with 100-150mA?

    Many thanks



  • Hi Mourad,

    if you didn't see issue when power the device with external power supply, this proves that the boost circuit operates well.

    however, the problem found in battery power could be caused by that the battery output current capability is too weak to support, going through the CR1632 datasheet, . the battery's ESR is up to 30ohm. so this maximum output current is 10mA~20mA. it can't support 100-150mA. 

  • Hi Jasper,

    Thank you for your help. Is there any  other TI IC that can be used with CR1632 to provide a current of 50 mA at least with an output of 3V?

    Kind regards,


  • Hi Mourad,

    the current issue is that the battery you select can't support 3*50mA = 150mW output. the IC can only converts and regulate the voltage. all the energy if from the battery. the TPS61220 is the right device, but you need a higher power battery.