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BQ24650 problem HIDRV pins and LODRv

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ24650

Rode recommended in the datasheet Bq24650 only adjusting the current to 8 A and the battery voltage to 13.8 V circuit.
Use a power set at 16 V laboratory to simulate the photovoltaic panel.
The LED pin 3 is connected STAT1 indicating load process however there is no battery connected.
I would like to better understand the interção pins REGN, PH, LODRV, HIDRV and BTST as the technical document is not clear interaction of these pins.
when connecting the battery nothing happens .... below are some images of measurements that realizaei in each ICpin relative to GND.

pin 1 


pin 3

pin 4

pin 5 

pin 6

pin 7 

pin 8  without battery

pin 9 

pin 10

pin 11

pin 12

pin 13


pin 15

pin 16

photo mounted below the circuit

if someone can help me thank .....

  • HIDRV and LODRV are the MOSFET gate drivers. It is a PWM output which turns the NMOS on or off to regulate the output voltage. They are driven by an amp, and BTST is the high side power supply for the HIDRV opamp. PH (also the switching node) is the low side power supply. LODRV is driven by REGN and GND. REGN is a constant 6 V source.

    That said... I'm having the exact same problem as you; BTST is not what it should be. I know BTST should be around 15 V (24 V in my case), but I have no idea why it is not. If you've figured out this problem, please post what the issue was.
  • Alex,

    Can you share your schematic of the charging circuit?