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BQ24617: IS bq24617 is limiting to set lower cut-off threshold of battery to be charged due to V LOWV=1.55V fixed

Part Number: BQ24617
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ24650, BQ24610, BQ24172, BQ24600, BQ24171, BQ24616, BQ24618

I am using bq24617 IC to charge RRC2020 battery pack  and this battery pack is allowing to set battery regulation voltage of 13V. Now, for the designed resistive feedback at VFB pin for 13V regulation voltage the lower cut-off voltage of battery ( Which i need to take care) is somewhere 9.6V due to V LOWV ( Precharge to fast-charge transition threshold) 1.55V (fixed) at VFB pin but actual battery lower cut-off voltage is 8.1V.

Now suppose if i discharge the battery till 8.5V and putted for charging. In this case if VFB pin voltage is not crossing V LOWV threshold during precharge time (30 min) then charger will declare fault. on an whole i won't be able to utilize the full battery capacity (100WH) due to V LOWV=1.55V fixed in side the IC instead of allowing user to set externally.

Kindly suggest me some way to overcome above limitation.